Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine index

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine index

An index of past family history articles featured in back issues of Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine

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Published: October 27, 2023 at 8:26 am

Below is a list of all the topics covered in past issues of Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine. To search this index, press Ctrl and F, or Cmd and F if you're using a Mac computer, and type your search term in the box that pops up in the top right-hand corner. Do not use the main website search (the magnifying glass).

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To buy recent back issues please click here. Alternatively, call 03330 162120. Prices start from £5.99 including postage. Please be aware, only the past six issues are kept in stock. For earlier issues, you can buy digital copies. Please download our FREE magazine app from the App Store or Google Play. You can then buy individual back issues as in-app purchases for just £4.99.

ISSUE 222 October 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine October 2024

News 23andMe 'committed' to family history
Off the Record The history of water supplies
10 Easy Steps to Grow Your Family Tree Tips from Who Do You Think You Are? genealogist Laura Berry
Blood on the Tracks The history of railway worker accidents
Know Your Place! How to research local history
Reader Story Ash James: Grandfather was a secret agent in Egypt in the First World War
Focus On Jamaican ancestry
Best Websites Second Boer War
Record Masterclass British Home Children inspection reports
Q & A Your family history questions answered
The Big Picture Paratroopers prepare to fly in Operation Market Garden, 1944
Social Story Chartism
Celebrating Your Projects Chabad Lubavitch Islington Jewish heritage trail
Eureka Moment Chris Hussey: Identified his father's biological father and tracked down his descendants
Around Britain County Durham
Gem from the Archive Lancaster University Archives: Student newspaper, 1968
Reviews RootsMagic 10; The Rising Down; The Quality of Love
Reader Story Howard Benson: Great uncle was a priest and monk who was imprisoned in a Japanese internment camp

ISSUE 221 September 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine September 2024

ISSUE 220 August 2024

News £5 million lottery funding for archives announced
Off the Record Records revealed the fate of an orphan girl in 18th century Lancashire
Who Do You Think You Are? 2024 Interview with new series producer Lucy Swingler
Who Do You Think You Are? at 20 The programme's 20 best moments
Feature Japanese POWs on Taiwan in the Second World War
Reader Story Paul Fitton has found a naval hero, a poisoning and a link to Stephenson's Rocket
Focus On The Irish Famine
Best Websites Navy ancestors
Record Masterclass RAF WW2 combat records
Q & A Your family history questions answered
Local Industry Evacuees from the East End of London help with farmwork, 1941
Tech Tips NLS Ordnance Survey maps
Social Story Education
Celebrating Your Projects Ipswich War Memorial Project
Eureka Moment Peter Vonlanthen: Used DNA testing to find his mother's biological parents
Around Britain Bedfordshire
Gem from the Archive The Royal Berkshire Archives: Letters from William Wilberforce, 1799-1800
Reviews The Piano Player of Budapest; The Walnut Tree; Who Were the Real Oliver Twists?
Family Hero Eddie Wulff: Grandmother defied the Nazis in Second World War Hamburg

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine August 2024

News Who Do You Think You Are? 2024 celebrities revealed
Off the Record How our ancestors lent and borrowed money
Free Family History Websites How to research your family history for free
48 Hours in Dublin Research your Irish family history in two days
Reader Story Philippa Larard: Uncovered ancestors in the Caribbean, Prussia and Spain
Focus On Privateers
Best Websites Sporting ancestors
Record Masterclass Scottish civil marriages
Q & A Your family history questions answered
Local Industry Soldiers of the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment (West Riding) queue for fish and chips, 1936
Tech Tips Ancestry Pro Tools
Social Story The Olympics
Eureka Moment Barbara Greenwood: Discovered 2x great grandfather lived to be 100
Celebrating Your Projects Tyne Theatre & Opera House database
Around Britain South Yorkshire
Gem from the Archive Surrey History Centre: Book of boy emigrants' letters, 1857-1874
Reviews Rites of Passage; The Mysterious Mrs Hood; Women at Work in World Wars I and II
Family Hero Beth Freeman: Great grandmother never stopped loving her first husband after he died in the First World War

ISSUE 219 July 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine July 2024

News MyHeritage adds 37 million New York family history records
Off the Record The history of banking
Baptisms How to find missing baptism records
Ruth Goodman The historian discusses her new podcast
Reader Story David Hough: Grandfather survived the Somme and the Blitz
Focus On The Canadian Prairies
Best Websites Medieval genealogy
Record Masterclass Death-duty registers
Q & A Your family history questions answered
Local Industry Packing Yorkshire Relish, Leeds, 1906
Tech Tips Create a master index of BMDs for a surname
Social Story Beach huts
Eureka Moment Sonia Limm: Discovered her father's missing father thanks to a DNA test
Celebrating Your Projects The Underground Map
Around Britain Strathclyde
Gem from the Archive Bath Record Office: Prisoners' book, 1892-1910
Reviews Moederland; Tracing Your Family History Using Irish Newspapers and Other Printed Materials; Nether World
Family Hero Darren Vidler: 2x great uncle was a pioneering cinematographer

ISSUE 218 June 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine June 2024

News Occupational study sheds light on Industrial Revolution
Off the Record The Schleswig-Holstein Question
D-Day The 80th anniversary
Surname Changes How to trace your ancestors
Clive Myrie The BBC broadcaster discusses his new programme, Clive Myrie's Caribbean Adventure
Reader Story Samantha Taylor: Ancestors emigrated to the USA and Canada
Focus On Coal miner ancestors
Best Websites Metalworkers
Record Masterclass Crossle Genealogical Abstracts
Q & A Your family history questions answered by experts
Local Industry The pickle factory at the former Lewes Road Railway Station in Brighton, 1935
Tech Tips Gramps
Social Story Prostitution in 18th century London
Eureka Moment Pat Smith: Uncovered grandmother's tangled love life
Celebrating Your Projects Friends of Calderstones and Brockhall Hospital Cemeteries
Around Britain Derbyshire
Gem from the Archive Bedfordshire Archives: Housewife's diary, 1938-1941
Reviews Tracing Your Marginalised Ancestors; A Dirty, Filthy Book; Captives
Family Hero Ann Anderson: 2x great grandmother was widowed single mother whose son became a successful businessman

ISSUE 217 May 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine May 2024

News Project compiling divorce database secures funding
Off the record Medieval migration
The Big Four tested Our readers give their verdicts on Ancestry, Findmypast, MyHeritage and TheGenealogist
Online family trees The perils of copying other researchers' work
Reader story Lucy Parker: Investigated Norwegian ancestry
Focus on Early 20th century research
Best websites Where to find old photographs of your house
Record masterclass Post Office pension and gratuity records
Q & A Your family history queries answered by experts
Local industry Female workers in Small Arms Cartridge Factory No. 3 at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1918
Tech tips How to edit photographs in Ancestry
Social story Elections
Eureka moment Greta Nicholls discovered her great grandfather ran a fradulent dating agency
Celebrating your projects Friends of Woodbury Park Cemetery
Around Britain Shropshire
Gem from the archive Visitors' book, Conwy Archives
Reviews LEGO Ideas Family Tree; James and John; Missing Persons
Family hero Douglas Jackson: Polish uncle won a medal in the Second World War

ISSUE 216 April 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine April 2024

News Findmypast adds free British Home Children collection
Off the Record Our ancestors' beds
Parish Registers Online Find your ancestors in every county with our complete guide
Agricultural Shows How to use the records in family history
Reader Story Gail Dixon: Ancestors survived Border Reivers massacre
Focus On Irish newspapers
Best Websites Surnames
Record Masterclass UK Officers' Birth Certificates, Wills and Personal Papers, 1755-1908
Q & A Your family history queries answered by experts
Local Industry A worker at the Whitefriars Glassworks, early 20th century
Tech Tips Treemily
Social Story Victorian crime and punishment
Eureka Moment Audra Carapella Crans-Henderson: Discovered Italian family around the world using Facebook and DNA testing
Celebrating Your Projects Crowd Cymru
Around Britain Devon
Gem from the Archive Hull History Centre: Missions to Seamen chaplain's diary
Reviews I Seek a Kind Person; Love and Marriage in the Age of Jane Austen; A Devilish Kind of Courage
Family Hero Martyn Guy: Great aunt was a missionary who crossed the Zagros Mountains by mule train

ISSUE 215 March 2024

News RootsTech schedule announced
Off the Record What was a 'Christian burial'?
Grow your family tree for less Money-saving family history tips
For Evermore A new project to commemorate stories of the fallen from the World Wars
Reader Story Angus Wardlaw: Ancestor was Francis Crozier, captain of the doomed Franklin expedition
Focus On Scottish inheritance records
Best Websites Merchant Navy ancestors
Record Masterclass Apprenticeship registers
Q & A Your family history queries answered by experts
Can You Help? Can you identify these men in a photograph from the Western Front?
Tech Tips How to upload contributions to the For Evermore website
Social Story Second World War evacuation
Eureka Moment Jeremy Baker: Marriage record revealed great great grandfather, who helped build the Victoria Tower at the Palace of Westminster
Celebrating Your Projects The Lord Leycester hospital, Warwick
Around Britain Lancashire
Gem from the Archive Robberies register, Warrington Archives and Local Studies
Reviews Hitler, Stalin, Mum and Dad; American Imperialist; Whispering Walls
Family Hero Bruce Barnes: Father served in the Merchant Navy during the Second World War

ISSUE 214 February 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine February 2024

News Ministry of Justice proposes to digitise wills and destroy originals
Off the Record The Second World War
Workhouse Records How to trace workhouse ancestors
Reader Story Lucy Rushton: Family worked as missionaries in East Asia
Bigamy Legal records of bigamous ancestors
Focus On Travel and passenger lists
Best Websites The Holocaust
Record Masterclass Scottish civil birth records
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Tech Tips Layers of London
Social Story Tuberculosis
Eureka Moment Tracie Jackson: Will revealed ancestor who became a bishop
Celebrating Your Projects Friends of Valentines Mansion
Around Britain Kent
Gem from the Archive Legal depositions, Devon Heritage Centre
Reviews Unravelled; Tales from Great Passenger Ships; Where Are You From? No, Where Are You Really From?
Family Hero Josie Aslett: Grandfather survived a Boer attack

ISSUE 213 January 2024

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine January 2024

News GRO expands death-record access
Off the Record New Year's dates
Feature 50 websites to watch in 2024
Reader Story Lynsey Ford: Ancestors were MPs with royal connections
Focus On Metropolitan Police records
Best Websites Romany and Traveller family history
Record Masterclass Trade union members' registers
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Shetland wool, c.1910
Tech Tips Newspaper search on Findmypast
Social Story Georgian dancing
Eureka Moment Tim Cook: Discovered ancestor's bigamy
Celebrating Your Projects Friends of Hartwood Paupers Cemetery, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Around Britain Northern Ireland
Gem from the Archive Polish teenager's diary, National Holocaust Centre and Museum
Reviews Normal Women; The City Dairy; Guy Gibson and His Dambuster Crew
Family Hero Tony Hotchkiss: 2x great uncle was a headteacher who championed bowling

ISSUE 212 Christmas 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine Christmas 2023

News Findmypast adds 25 million Manchester electoral registers
Off the Record Christmas carols
Feature 12 Christmas projects
Feature Christmas quiz
Reader Story Mary Jones: Seven-year-old relation was imprisoned for stealing coal
Focus On Parliamentary records
Best Websites Old newspapers
Record Masterclass WW2 POW records
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Bernard Matthews' turkey farm, Norfolk, December 1960
Tech Tips Create a shared genealogical archive on WeAre
Social Story Christmas dinner
Eureka Moment Peter Rollin: Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine Q&A team helped him find a will
Celebrating Your Projects Our Fallen, Lowestoft, Suffolk
Around Britain London
Gem from the Archive Nun's love letter, Walsall Archives
Reviews Heredis 2024; The Wager; Great-Uncle Harry
Family Hero Sarah Hattersley: 3x great grandfather was a social reformer in Burslem

ISSUE 211 December 2023

News TNA adds civilian honours from WW2 to Discovery
Off the Record Dogs in church
Feature Using DNA tests to find missing ancestors
Feature Finding your ancestors in times of crisis
Reader Story Gethin Matthews: Found three brothers' letters from the First World War
Focus On Publicans
Best Websites Musician ancestors
Record Masterclass Northern Ireland Valuation Office Revision Books
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Workers at Thomas Smith Trugs Ltd in Hestmonceux, East Sussex, make wooden baskets by hand, 1952
Tech Tips Ancestris
Social Story The Highland Clearances
Eureka Moment Nadia Rupniak: Polish grandmother survived a Siberian labour camp
Celebrating Your Projects Kushti Divvus
Around Britain Staffordshire
Gem from the Archive Plantation owner's journal, Bexley Local Studies and Archive Centre
Reviews Introducing Nonconformist Records; One Fine Day; A Woman's Will
Family Hero Becky Bull: 3x great aunt helped the Maori in New Zealand

ISSUE 210 November 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine November 2023

News Archives awarded digitisation grants
Off the Record
Napoleonic Wars graves
Feature Female ancestors
Feature Online Parish Clerks
Reader Story Christine Wilkie: Traced family history to the Caribbean
Focus On Guilds and freemen
Best Websites 17th century
Record Masterclass British Army officers pre-1920
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Devon coal mining
Tech Tips MyHeritage photo tools
Social Story New Women
Eureka Moment Natasha Ellakirk: Traced 5x great grandparents thanks to will
Celebrating Your Projects Newbiggin-by-the-Sea Genealogy Project
Around Britain Cambridgeshire
Gem from the Archive Monk's roll, Westminster Abbey Library
Reviews Confinement; What's in a Name?; Children of the 1940s
Family Hero James Buckman: 2x great uncle was a sportsman who was killed at the Somme

ISSUE 209 October 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine October 2023

News Ancestry adds Second World War POW questionnaires
Off the Record
Norfolk ancestry
Feature House history
Feature The future of family history societies
Reader Story Ian Cooper: Ancestors were 19th century Liverpool policemen
Focus On Second Boer War
Best Websites Medals and ribbons
Record Masterclass Scottish land tax records
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Carpet factory workers, Kidderminster
Tech Tips Family Echo
Social Story Rationing
Eureka Moment Bryony Parsons: Marriage witness allowed her to trace 5x great grandfather
Celebrating Your Projects Forgotten Women of Wakefield
Around Britain Somerset
Gem from the Archive Appeal to a relief fund, Southampton Archives
Reviews Tracing Your Theatrical Ancestors; I Know Who You Are; An Uneasy Inheritance
Family Hero Joshua Swerling: Ancestor Frederick Smith was a pioneering Quaker

ISSUE 208 September 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine September 2023

News GRO makes birth and death records available instantly
Off the Record
The Woman in White
Feature Photo sharing tools
Feature ONS census consultation
Feature Make the most of visiting archives
Reader Story Helen McKee: London ancestors include a scoundrel, a thief and a policeman
Focus On Railway worker ancestors
Best Websites Caribbean ancestry
Record Masterclass Cemetery registers
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Tech Tips Get digital birth and death records from the GRO
Social Story Women's education
Eureka Moment Kay Washbrook: Uncovered ancestor's complicated love life thanks to the 1939 Register
Celebrating Your Projects Find My Family
Around Britain Edinburgh and the Lothians
Gem from the Archive Postcards from Terezín ghetto, Holocaust Centre North
Reviews How to Discover Your Family History Using FREE Resources!; Donald Ross and the Highland Clearances; Living in Early Victorian London
Family Hero Terry Sheppard: Ancestors fought in the English and American Civil Wars

ISSUE 207 August 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine August 2023

News Hampshire parish records go online
Off the Record
Local pubs
Feature Family history research tips from Who Do You Think You Are? genealogist Laura Berry
Feature Getting more from Scottish census records
Reader Story Margaret Smith: Traced Derbyshire roots to the early 16th century
Focus On Royal Naval Division
Best Websites Australian convicts
Record Masterclass Irish chancery bill books
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry A machine operator weaves tweed at Wilson and Glenny's mill in Hawick in the Scottish Borders, 1949
Tech Tips PhotoScan
Social Story Ice cream
Eureka Moment Goodwill Stewart: Tracked down father's long lost cousin
Celebrating Your Projects Transcribing fire insurance records, Shropshire
Around Britain Cornwall
Gem from the Archive Book of Bastards, Carmarthenshire Archives
Reviews The Memory Keeper; Travellers Through Time; Great and Horrible News
Family Hero David Swidenbank: Ancestors were workhouse staff

ISSUE 206 Summer 2023

Image 1

News ScotlandsPeople adds prison records
Off the Record
13th century court cases
Feature Uploading your Ancestry family tree to other websites
Feature Their Finest Hour project
Reader Story Chris Hussey: Grandfather emigrated to Canada and fought on the Western Front
Focus On Irish land records
Best Websites Indian subcontinent
Record Masterclass Inquisitions post mortem
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Women screw down the yeast in a brewery in Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, c1916
Tech Tips How to contribute to Historic England's Missing Pieces Project
Social Story Divorce
Eureka Moment Tracy Lowe: 1939 Register disproved family stories
Celebrating Your Projects A Few Good Women
Around Britain Nottinghamshire
Gem from the Archive Mill worker's diary, 1897
Reviews Tracing Your Belfast Ancestors; Unearthed; The Yorkshire Coiners
Family Hero Richard Mulcahy: 2x great grandfather was a coastguard

ISSUE 205 July 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine July 2023

News Ancestry adds Hampshire records
Off the Record
Summer in the city
Feature Parish chest records
Feature Behind the scenes on the new series of Who Do You Think You Are?
Reader Story Peter Day: Found three hero brothers on his tree
Focus On Roman Catholic records
Best Websites Coal mining
Record Masterclass Crisp's marriage licences
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Cotswold wool farmers, 1937
Tech Tips Host and share your tree on Findmypast
Social Story Salvation Army
Eureka Moment Janet Wilson: Tracing a First World War soldier solved an 18th-century brick wall
Celebrating Your Projects Medals Going Home
Around Britain Dorset
Gem from the Archive Map of Eastry Court, 1728
Reviews RootsMagic 9; The Dress Diary of Mrs Anne Sykes; Street Food
Family Hero Sally George: Father-in-law went to sea at 16

ISSUE 204 June 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine June 2023

News Volunteers complete cataloguing of Second World War POW records
Off the Record
Coronation celebrations
Feature Wills and probate records
Feature Irish surnames
Reader Story Martyn Guy: Ancestors served in the army from the Napoleonic Wars to post-Second World War
Focus On Early convict transportation
Best Websites Canadian family history
Record Masterclass Scottish valuation rolls
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Cobblers at Stricklands' boot and shoe factory in Northampton, c.1950
Tech Tips Add stories to your Ancestry family tree
Social Story London street markets
Eureka Moment Heather Quiney: Marriage records solved family history mystery
Celebrating Your Projects Migration Stories NW
Around Britain Leicestershire & Rutland
Gem from the Archive Pit ponies' logbook, 1955
Reviews My Disappearing Uncle; One Fine Day; The Women Behind the Few
Family Hero Steven Blockley: Great grandfather was a fairground strongman

ISSUE 203 May 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine May 2023

News Ancestry wins contract to digitise Ministry of Defence records
Off the Record
18th century wills
Feature Your DNA questions answered
Feature Writing your family history
Reader Story Gary Cooper: Relative was the first professional basketball player
Focus On 20th century Merchant Navy records
Best Websites Heraldry
Record Masterclass Records of the 1862 Land Registry Act
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Oyster catch, Whitstable, 1930
Tech Tips How to combine multiple trees in Ancestry
Social Story The history of coronation celebrations
Eureka Moment Loretta Lawrance: Records from Dublin revealed Irish family
Celebrating Your Projects Trentham Heritage Project
Around Britain Hertfordshire
Gem from the Archive Fundraising brochure, 1925
Reviews Women in the Second World War; Our Hannah; Railway Crimes Committed in Victorian Britain
Family Hero Rob Hadgraft: Great grandmother was a First World war nurse

ISSUE 202 April 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine April 2023

News WDYTYA? Magazine celebrates Transcription Tuesday success
Off the Record
Bastardy examinations
Feature Irish research
Feature Visiting where your ancestors lived
Reader Story Helen Murray: Family hosted Tennyson, Churchill and Einstein
Focus On Illegitimacy
Best Websites Textiles and cotton workers
Record Masterclass Records of the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Raleigh Cycling Company, Nottingham, c.1930
Tech Tips Rakonto
Social Story The history of exercise
Eureka Moment Brian Homewood: Naming pattern solved mystery
Celebrating Your Projects Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society
Around Britain Worcestershire
Gem from the Archive Plasterers' note, 1897
Reviews The Essential Questions; Laugh or Cry; Everyday Life in Victorian London
Family Hero Stephen Lally: 3x great aunt and uncle went from rags to riches

ISSUE 201 March 2023

March 2023 cover small

News Ancestry adds North Yorkshire parish records
Off the Record Regional surnames
Feature FamilySearch guided research tool
Feature The most interesting records from the 1921 Scottish census
Reader Story Michèle Gross: RAF relation died on a wartime bombing mission
Focus On Methodist records
Best Websites War memorials
Record Masterclass Women's Land Army index cards
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Jewellers in the Midlands, 1939
Tech Tips Browse scans of unindexed records on FamilySearch
Social Story Highland crofters
Eureka Moment Chris Carver: Guild records led to a breakthrough
Celebrating Your Projects Halifax probate record transcription
Around Britain Highlands and Islands
Gem from the Archive Vagrants' book, 1825-1836
Reviews Heredis 2023; Old Parish Life; The Sawtooth Slayer
Family Hero Andrew Bradley: 2x great grandfather spied for British intelligence

ISSUE 200 February 2023

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine February 2023

News 1921 Scottish census released
Off the Record Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine's 200th issue
Feature Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine editor Sarah Williams' family history tips
Feature The Transcription Tuesday 2023 projects
Reader Story Jenny Cross: Traced over 6000 descendants of a 17th century couple
Focus On Nursing records
Best Websites House history
Record Masterclass Nonconformist marriages
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Competition Win £1,300 worth of prizes in our 200th issue competition
Tech Tips Search the 1921 Scottish census
Social Story British Restaurants
Eureka Moment Sue Greenwood: Great uncle Ted Ruddy was a soldier and bohemian adventurer
Celebrating Your Projects Eternal Connections
Around Britain North Yorkshire
Gem from the Archive Guard book, 1840s-1850s
Reviews Discover Your Dorset Ancestors; A History of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts; Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries
Family Hero Marion Nash: Ancestor risked his life in mining accident

ISSUE 199 January 2023

January 2023 small

News Transcription Tuesday 2023 date and projects announced
Off the Record Irish migrants
Feature Websites to watch in 2023
The Big Picture A newly enfranchised British woman votes in a general election, 14 December 1918
Reader Story Anne Ward: Tracing the stories behind a piece of First World War embroidery
Focus On Scottish burial records and memorial inscriptions
Record Masterclass First World War Women's Royal Naval Service
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Nana Sir Ofori Atta I, the king of Akyem Abuakwa, visits Cadbury’s factory in Bournville, Birmingham, 10 July 1928
Tech Tips AncestryDNA's 'by parent' feature
Social Story Pet ownership
Eureka Moment Rita Boswell: Traced the family in an old photo album
Celebrating Your Projects The Living and the Dead, Brookwood Cemetery, Woking
Around Britain Surrey
Gem from the Archive A pamphlet sent to crofters, 1856
Reviews Exploring Oxfordshire Surnames; Serious Minds; Executions
Family Hero Anthony Patterson: 2x great grandfather owned a successful ceramics business

ISSUE 198 December 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine December 2022

News FamilySearch adds four collections of Irish records
Off the Record 18th century clergyman's diaries
Feature Previewing the 1921 Scottish census
Feature Heirloom hunters
Reader Story Bobbie Adams: Ancestor was a real-life Peaky Blinder
Focus On Burial records
Best Websites Clergy, priests, vicars and preachers
Record Masterclass Second World War War diaries
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry The print room of the Daily Telegraph in London, 1902
Tech Tips Create a family history photo book using Canva
Social Story Christmas in the Second World War
Eureka Moment Simon Howard: Solved an illegitimacy case from 1822
Celebrating Your Projects Dishes of Discovery, SS Great Britain
Around Britain Buckinghamshire
Gem from the Archive A minister's court summons, 1905
Reviews Red Devils; The Killing of Lord George; Wales on This Day
Family Hero Jennifer Anderson: Grandfather served with Churchill in the Sudan

ISSUE 197 November 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine November 2022

News Findmypast adds Sheffield records
Off the Record 'Half-time' child labour
Feature Free books online
Feature Birth certificates
Reader Story Stephen Browness: Organised a tribute to ancestor who fought in the Napoleonic Wars
Focus On Militia records
Best Websites Sound and film archives
Record Masterclass Irregular marriage records
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Local Industry Fishermen, Newlyn, 1923
Tech Tips Trove - Australian newspapers
Social Story Rugby league
Eureka Moment Dorit Braun: Found graves of Jewish relatives in Prussia
Celebrating Your Projects The Trinity Road Project, Hoylake
Around Britain Gloucestershire
Gem from the Archive Album of adverts, c1880-1910
Reviews Teach Yourself Palaeography; On Every Tide; The Game of Hearts
Family Hero Jenny Price: Great aunt was a missionary in China

ISSUE 196 October 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine October 2022

News Archives win £380,000 to catalogue their collections; MacKiev releases FTM update despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine; Ancestry's new terms and conditions praised; Balfour family papers bought by the Scottish national archive
Off the Record Marriage and money
Feature Photo colourisation apps
Reader Story Jennie Long: Reunited two families a century after tragedy brought them together
Focus On Irish census substitutes
Best Websites Crime and punishment
Tech Tips Bibisco
Local Industry Cider pressing, Wiltshire, 1934
Record Masterclass Genealogical journals
My Family Album Eleanor A Young
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
The Big Picture Radio enthusiasts receive a concert broadcast and relay it through a loudspeaker, October 1922
Social Story Tea
Eureka Moment Barbara Smith: Online photograph helped her trace South African relatives
Celebrating Your Projects The Place I Love, Broadwindsor, Dorset
Around Britain Warwickshire
Gem from the Archive Swimming club programme, 1898
Reviews Includes The Spitfire Kids and interview with LucyAnn Curling
Family Hero David Harris: Father wrote a memoir of working on the steam railways

ISSUE 195 September 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine September 2022

News Railway worker database adds 17,000 accidents; New projects celebrate stories of England's working class; FamilySearch adds 119,000 records; Scottish festival to remember the Indian soldiers of WW2
Off the Record Misheard and misspelled family names
Feature Searching the streets of London
Feature Super recognisers
Reader Story Nigel Gray: Traced family history in the Far East
Focus On Estate archives
The Big Picture The Gresford Colliery disaster, 22 September 1934
Best Websites Performers
Tech Tips National Archives of Australia arrivals database
Local Industry Luton hatmakers, c.1928
Record Masterclass Civil War Loss Accounts
My Family Album Marian Ayres
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Social Story Zeppelin raids
Eureka Moment Richard Hancox: Matching signatures solved brick wall
Celebrating Your Projects Dunkeld Community Archive
Around Britain Lincolnshire
Gem from the Archive Autograph book, 1913-18
Reviews Includes Researching Local History and interview with Simon Mawer
Family Hero Barry Maguire: Great grandfather survived a 1907 flood

ISSUE 194 August 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine August 2022

News Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland goes online; TNA makes service records available; Findmypast adds York trade directories; Historians protest access restrictions at the National Records of Scotland
Off the Record Oats
Feature Parish records online
Reader Story Sally George: Family letters revealed a whirlwind romance
Focus On Children's homes and orphanages
Best Websites Maps
Tech Tips Ogilby Muster
Local Industry Canal boats at the market town of Brigg in Lincolnshire, 1901
Record Masterclass Royal Navy ships' musters
My Family Album Ian Cooper
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
The Big Picture A British man is rescued from the ruins of a building hit by a German bomb, 7 September 1940
Social Story Dance halls
Eureka Moment Danny Parrott: Vatican records proved my Italian lineage
Celebrating Your Projects Sephardi Voices UK
Around Britain West Sussex
Gem from the Archive Survey of St Ives, 1728
Reviews Includes Vagabonds and interview with Jessie Childs
Family Hero Anna Wilson: Great uncle was in Churchill's secret army

ISSUE 193 Summer 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine Summer 2022

News Ancestry adds 11 million Sussex parish records; Findmypast releases Wiltshire records; Isle of Wight WW1 database completed; Irish military pensions records published online
Off the Record Hay making
Feature The Public Record Office of Ireland fire and the Beyond 2022 project
Feature 23andMe
Reader Story Barnaby Rogerson: Family tree includes brewers, farmers and Civil War survivors
Focus On Manorial documents
Best Websites British Army
Tech Tips How to turn a GEDCOM file into a website
Local Industry Calcott Brothers car factory workers, Coventry, 1921
Record Masterclass Rate books
My Family Album Glenn Hall
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
The Big Picture A beach entertainer plays the drum and pipes for a group of children, Whitby, c.1905
Social Story Hop-picking holidays
Eureka Moment Sarah Young: Kirk session records solved my mystery
Celebrating Your Projects Hillsborough Parkive
Around Britain Aberdeenshire
Gem from the Archive Witness testimonies, 1706-7
Reviews Includes MacFamilyTree 10 and interview with Nicholas Guyatt
Family Hero Janice Oliver: Ancestor was a seafaring adventurer

ISSUE 192 July 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine July 2022

News Findmypast helps to solve mystery of choirboy's note; Historic dialect recordings go online; AI used to transcribe Holocaust records; ONS publishes 1921 census statistics
Off the Record Runaway husbands
Feature Best free genealogy websites
Feature Churchyard archaeology
Feature Interview with Who Do You Think You Are? production team
Reader Story Katie Oakley: Discovered cache of letters written by her grandmother to her mother during the Second World War
The Big Picture The residents of Claudia Street in Liverpool celebrate the arrival of the eighth FIFA World Cup, July 1966
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Ellie Tanner
Celebrating Your Projects Gary Cunliffe
Best Websites Agricultural labourers
Local Industry Coal miners, South Wales, 1910
Record Masterclass Settlement examinations and certificates
Tech Tips WDYTYA? Magazine for Android and iOS
Focus On 20th century Royal Navy records
Eureka Moment Mandy Webb: Found the father of an illegitimate child via DNA testing
Social Story LGBT ancestors
Around Britain Cheshire
Gem from the Archive Surgical case file, 1917-18
Reviews Includes Cemeteries and Graveyards and interview with Joseph Pearson
Behind the Scenes Sue Perkins
Family Hero George Smith: Father and grandfather were both trade unionists

ISSUE 191 June 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine June 2022

News 1950 US census goes online with free access; Police appeal for family historians to solve 40-year-old cold case; First records of WW2 military service added to TNA's online catalogue; Victorian rainfall records transcribed by volunteers
Off the Record Emigration
Feature Finding elusive ancestors
Feature Interview with Professor Turi King of DNA Family Secrets
Feature School attendance records
Feature How to use Living DNA
Reader Story Stanley James: Grandfather was cowboy, reporter and preacher
The Big Picture The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 2 June 1953
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Helen Taylor
Celebrating Your Projects Name on a Knife Blade, Sheffield
Best Websites Gentry, royalty and aristocracy
Local Industry Cotton workers, Manchester, c1909
Record Masterclass Habitual drunkards registers
Tech Tips New Ancestry mobile app
Focus On 20th century employment records
Eureka Moment Janet Cockerill: DNA revealed grandfather's identity
Social Story First Aid
Around Britain West Yorkshire
Gem from the Archive Football club programme, 1924
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Family History with the Whole Family and interview with Sue Cavill
Behind the Scenes Alan Carr
Family Hero Margaret Rice: Relation was one of the earliest settlers in America

ISSUE 190 May 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine May 2022

News ScotlandsPeople adds Perth Prison registers; The National Archives launches 'Prize Papers' research portal; Warwickshire 'Loss Accounts' database launched; FamilySearch launches new scheme for volunteer transcribers
Off the Record Accidents in the home
Feature Old maps
Feature The history of extreme weather
Feature How to use FamilyTreeDNA
Reader Story Clare Patrick: Victorian great grandfather was a black actor
The Big Picture Londoners celebrate on the eve of VE Day, 1945
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Rob Walsh
Celebrating Your Projects Inns on the Edge
Best Websites Old street photographs
Local Industry The Titanic and Olympic under construction at Harland & Wolff's shipyard in Queen's Island, Belfast, c1910
Record Masterclass First World War pensions cards
Tech Tips LostCousins
Focus On Post Office worker records
Eureka Moment Lorraine Tomlinson: Traced her great grandfather in mariners' records
Social Story Children's literature
Around Britain Northumberland
Gem from the Archive The Civitas Londinium map, 1633
Reviews Includes Identifying Cap Badges and interview with Clifford Ismay
Behind the Scenes Ed Balls
Family Hero Tommylee Smith: Great grandmother survived great tragedy

ISSUE 189 April 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine April 2022

News Find a Will upgrade declared a 'shambles'; Readers make Transcription Tuesday 2022 a huge success; Ancestry adds National Portrait Gallery collection; NRS awards contract for 1921 census transcription
Off the Record Wills
Feature 18th century ancestors
Feature House history in the 1921 census
Feature How to use MyHeritage DNA
Reader Story Thomas Price: My relation Jeffrey survived a Japanese labour camp
The Big Picture A policeman buys a red rose for his helmet in Piccadilly Circus, West London, St George's Day 1913
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Amanda Higham
Celebrating Your Projects Blandford in the Great War
Best Websites School records
Local Industry Huntley & Palmers' factory, Reading, 1935
Record Masterclass Deaths at sea
Tech Tips Family Historian 7
Focus On Irish Catholic church records
Eureka Moment Will Mundy: A DNA test revealed that I'm related to Shakespeare
Social Story Postcards
Around Britain Mid-Wales
Gem from the Archive Royal Engineer's diary, 1879
Reviews Includes Dating by Design 1840-1915 and interview with Thomas Harding
Behind the Scenes Joe Sugg
Family Hero Anne Kidson: Relative was a maths prodigy from humble origins

ISSUE 188 March 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine March 2022

News Findmypast releases 1921 census online; Edith Cavell archive goes online; RAF Operations Record Books added to Ancestry; Searchable database of cartes de visite created
Off the Record A day out on the train
Feature Search like a pro
Feature Name changes
Feature Family photo competition winners
Reader Story Hazel Garas: Investigated a murder mystery in her family
The Big Picture Women sell flags in Trafalgar Square on Irish Soldiers' Flag Day, 1916
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Val Thorley
Celebrating Your Projects Making Her Mark exhibition from Glasgow Women's Library
Best Websites Italian family history
Local Industry Maldon Salt Company works, Essex, 1948
Record Masterclass Divorce
Tech Tips Searching the 1921 census
Focus On Scottish migration
Eureka Moment David Hubber: French connection broke down brick wall
Social Story Women's football
Around Britain Suffolk
Gem from the Archive Short story, c.1944
Reviews Includes Army Girls and interview with Jane Ainsworth
Behind the Scenes Pixie Lott
Family Hero Kim Thompson: Great grandmother was a match girl who worked hard to improve her children's lives

ISSUE 187 February 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine February 2022

News Online map tells refugees' WW2 stories; Newport Rising testimonies go online; MOD launches online orders for RAF service records; Hampshire records to be added to Ancestry
Off the Record Family history website goblins
Feature Reading old handwriting
Feature Transcription Tuesday 2022
Feature The story of the 1921 census
Feature Using DNA Painter
Reader Story Leila Barratt: Great grandfather escaped General Franco's Spain
The Big Picture Loaves are distributed to the poor in an annual ceremony in Woodbridge, Suffolk, c.1920
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Pamela Spencer
Celebrating Your Projects Isle of Wight Family History Society inquest records database
Best Websites Victorian wars
Local Industry Fisher girls at North Shields Fish Quay, 1936
Record Masterclass Land tax records
Tech Tips FTAnalyzer
Focus On Old newspapers
Eureka Moment Maxine Foley Speakman: Relative died in a First World War POW camp
Social Story Almshouses
Around Britain Merseyside
Gem from the Archive Student register, 1870-1901
Reviews Includes Boy Soldiers of the Great War: The Fully Revised Final Edition and interview with Julie Jakeway
Behind the Scenes Joe Lycett
Family Hero Karen Bowmer: 2x great grandmother played an important role in her community in New Zealand

ISSUE 186 January 2022

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine January 2022

News Digital archive tells the story of British soldiers in WW1; Lost records of Punjabi soldiers published online; Researchers use family history records to map social mobility; Post Office records go online
Off the Record 1921 census
Feature The 1921 census release: Your questions answered
Feature Family photo competition: Last chance to enter
Feature Websites to watch in 2022
Reader Story Graham Ashdown: Discovered a knight in his family tree
The Big Picture Snowball fight in London, 1947
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Christina Burrows
Celebrating Your Projects Huddersfield Town Supporters' Association Heritage Project
Best Websites The RAF
Local Industry Women in Somerset stack peat, 1942
Record Masterclass Quarter-session petitions
Tech Tips RootsMagic 8
Focus On Scottish School Records
Eureka Moment Paul Cooper: Sunday School Bible helped him find great grandfather
Social Story Wild women of the 1920s
Around Britain Ayrshire
Gem from the Archive Temperance report, 1875
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records and interview with Helene Munson
Behind the Scenes Alex Scott
Family Hero Martin Caldicott: Great uncle was a sea captain who helped rescue a stranded vessel

ISSUE 185 December 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine December 2021

News Findmypast announces release date and pricing of 1921 census; Historic England launches virtual aerial maps online; Thomas Cook archive partly catalogued; Volunteer indexes records of kirk sessions
Off the Record Cold Christmas weather
Feature Family photo competition
Feature Share your tree this Christmas
Feature Anti-vaccination movements of the 19th century
Feature Create a video of your relation this Christmas
Reader Story Roger Gosling: Daniel relations made their mark on British history
The Big Picture Edward VIII abdicates, 1936
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Karen Woods
Celebrating Your Projects Bristol History
Best Websites Migration
Local Industry A Dumbarton whisky warehouse, 1942
Record Masterclass Workhouse infirmaries
Tech Tips Animoto
Focus On Civil War records
Eureka Moment Aileen Gilchrist: Husband's godmother fled wartime Vienna
Social Story Christmas cards
Around Britain Essex
Gem from the Archive Medical officer's journal, 1917-19
Reviews Includes RootsMagic 8 and interview with Phyllida Scrivens
Behind the Scenes Dame Judi Dench
Family Hero Nigel Ellis: 2x great uncle died saving his wife and children

ISSUE 184 November 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine November 2021

News Ancestry adds workhouse registers from Glamorgan; FamilySearch finishes digitising more than 2.4m microfilm rolls; Church of England launches churchyard mapping project; Findmypast adds collection of 300,000 photographs
Off the Record The origins of First World War memorials
Feature Grow your family tree
Feature Who Do You Think You Are? Series 18 celebrities
Feature The power of FreeREG
Reader Story Danielle Ford's grandparents found love after surviving the Nazis
The Big Picture Aerial view of Coventry following an air raid, 1940
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Alan Harper
Celebrating Your Projects The Friends of Horton Cemetery
Best Websites Scottish ancestry
Local Industry A Sheffield cutlery factory, 1955
Record Masterclass Courts martial
Tech Tips Transcribe 2.6
Focus On Prison records
Eureka Moment Paula Daily: Discovered grandfather was given away to care home in Italy
Social Story Cinema in the Second World War
Around Britain Tyne and Wear
Gem from the Archive Document from a folklore ceremony, c.1993
Reviews Includes Researching Farming Ancestors in Ireland and interview with Lyn Innes
Behind the Scenes Josh Widdicombe
Family Hero Graham Sheppard: Great grandfather was a sporting hero and champion of workers' rights

ISSUE 183 October 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine October 2021

News Findmypast makes over 1m newspapers pages free to view; Ancestry claims 'perpetual' right to users' content; Almost 548,000 tithe records added to TheGenealogist; Manchester Museum shuts for £13.5m redevelopment
Off the Record A parson in October
Feature London family history
Feature Posted in the Past
Reader Story Michael Wrigglesworth's great uncle fought for Australia in the First World War
The Big Picture Billingsgate Fish Market, 1930
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Noelle Chambers
Best Websites Nonconformist family history
Gem from the Archive Habitual drunkards register, 1903-06
Record Masterclass Teachers' registers
Ancestors at Work Brickmakers
Tech Tips Put your research in order using Zotero
Focus On Canal boat families
Eureka Moment Rosemary Jewers: Photographs in the attic helped to reunite a family
Social Story The 1949 Sex Survey
Around Britain Oxfordshire
The Census Years 1911
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors Using the UK Historical Timeline and interview with Frances Stonor Saunders
Behind the Scenes Matthew Pinsent
Family Hero Carole Poulton: Great grandmother raised six children on her own

ISSUE 182 September 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine September 2021

News 10.7 million Scottish records published on Findmypast; Public appeal helps RHS identify 19th century botanist; Staffordshire records added to more websites; Fold3 adds WW1 burial cards for US soldiers
Off the Record A life lost to history
Feature Family history tutors share their tips
Feature The history of surnames
Reader Story Richard Nichols found his long-lost cousins
The Big Picture Charlie Chaplin arrives at the Ritz, 1921
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Wendy Sutherland
Celebrating Your Projects Seeing the North with Sankey
Best Websites Welsh ancestry
Gem from the Archive Berwick Bridge account book, 1611-14
Record Masterclass Irish petty sessions
Ancestors at Work Governesses
Tech Tips Using Timelines for Windows and Linux
Focus On The Victorian Merchant Navy
Eureka Moment Jean Thomson: Found 3x great grandfather's rags-to-riches story
Social Story Helping Germans in the First World War
Around Britain Cumbria
The Census Years 1901
Reviews Includes Our Village Ancestors and interview with John Carr
Behind the Scenes John Barnes
Family Hero Helen Parker-Drabble: Grandfather was a man of principle

ISSUE 181 August 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine August 2021

News Huge delays at Ministry of Defence as staff work through record backlog; Release of 1921 Scottish census pushed back again; Findmypast adds Irish court records; FHF president warns that societies are 'at a crossroads'
Off the record Childhood summer holidays
Feature Sporting ancestors
Feature Photo books
Reader story Anne Padfield on her suffragette relative
The Big Picture A lawnmower race, 1935
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Janice Oliver
Celebrating Your Projects Swannington Heritage Trust
Best websites Genealogy forums
Gem from the Archive Ramblers' minute book, North Lanarkshire, 1881-1882
Record Masterclass Canadian censuses
Ancestors at Work Actors
Focus On Trade directories
Eureka Moment Jane Bennet-Earle: Found grandfather's birth family
Social Story Packet service
Around Britain Berkshire
The Census Years 1891
Reviews Includes The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and interview with Alex Renton
Behind the Scenes Boy George
Family Hero Sid Payne: Relative was an Olympic cyclist

ISSUE 180 Summer 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine Summer 2021

News Ancestry releases Jameson Distillery employment records; Tipperary Famine records digitised; Findmypast adds 646,933 Scottish Catholic records; Petersfield Museum reopens after redevelopment
Off the record Prince Philip's family tree
Feature Census substitutes
Feature The Edward Chambré Hardman collection
Reader story Author Alison Bruce on researching Victorian murders
The Big Picture Preparing for the Olympics, 1948
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Mike Nadin
Celebrating Your Projects Droitwich Spa
Best websites Company records
Gem from the Archive Petty-sessions case papers, Conwy, 1859-1914
Record Masterclass Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Ancestors at Work Brass workers
Tech Tips Property records on TheGenealogist
Focus On Victorian cemeteries
Eureka Moment Kathy McNeill: A house name solved a long-standing family mystery
Social Story Pleasure gardens
Around Britain West Midlands
The Census Years 1881
Reviews Includes The British Census and an interview with Anne Fletcher
Behind the Scenes Annie Lennox
Family Hero Marjorie Prictor: Forebears emigrated to New Zealand

ISSUE 179 July 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine July 2021

News Findmypast promises 'timelines will be met' for release of 1921 census; CWGC issues apology for commemoration failures in WW1; West Midlands maps site goes live; Museum of Making sheds new light on the history of Derby
Off the record Identifying old photographs
Feature Parish registers online
Feature Canadian war brides
Reader story Kyle Ring has traced his family history back to the Domesday Book
The Big Picture The England football team, 1966
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Linda Ellison
Celebrating Your Projects Woodlanders' Lives and Landscapes, the Chilterns
Best websites Fishing and whaling
Gem from the Archive Newport pew rentals, 1557-1697
Record Masterclass Chelsea Pensioners' records
Ancestors at Work Felt hatters
Tech Tips WikiTree
Focus On Hospital records
Eureka Moment Dr Sally Stockbridge: Archive revealed family's massive connection to The Times
Social Story Boxing and wrestling
Around Britain Dumfries and Galloway
The Census Years 1871
Reviews Includes The Disappearance of Lydia Harvey and an interview with Georgina Lawton
Behind the Scenes John Bishop
Family Hero Jon Gliddon: Followed grandfather's footsteps on the Western Front

ISSUE 178 June 2021

178_June_Cover resized

News More than five million Irish records added to Ancestry; Online exhibition highlights East Riding's role in First World War; NLS maps website introduces drawing tool; Secret rooms and old maps discovered in North Shields townhouse
Off the record Remembering Auntie Ethel
Feature Family trees online
Feature Coventry car industry
Reader story Pam Corps' grandfather installed an organ in China under gunfire
The Big Picture A miner's daughter in Wigan carries a younger children in her arms during the three-month coal strike of 1921
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Helen Bloom
Celebrating Your Projects The Portsoy Salmon Bothy
Best websites Police ancestors
Gem from the Archive Gardeners' register, 1822-29
Record Masterclass Welsh tithe maps
Ancestors at Work Agricultural labourers
Tech Tips Uncover 19th century parish boundaries
Focus On The Royal Marines
Eureka Moment Jeremy Cripps: 2x great grandfather supplied spuds to Queen Victoria
Social Story Wedding traditions
Around Britain Norfolk
The Census Years 1861
Reviews Includes Sharing Your Family History Online and an interview with Margaret Hedley
Behind the Scenes Frank Gardner
Family Hero Christopher Jepson: 2x great uncle was coal miner who was killed in accident

ISSUE 177 May 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine May 2021

News More than one million Scottish church records released; Findmypast rolls out improvements to image viewer; Volunteers uncover aliases of First World War soldiers; Team read a 17th-century letter without opening it
Off the record Societies in sickness
Feature Archives in lockdown
Feature Family history and creativity
Reader story Janet Skirrow's ancestors were at the heart of the Industrial Revolution
The Big Picture Soldiers search the debris of the Custom House in Dublin, May 1921
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Ryan Hill
Celebrating Your Projects Staffordshire asylum records
Best websites Newspapers
Gem from the Archive Hang-glider pilot's folder, 1946-2007
Record Masterclass Marriage licences
Ancestors at Work Clerks
Tech Tips AncestorSearch
Focus On Home Guard records
Eureka Moment Margaret Milchard: DNA test helped track down criminal ancestor
Social Story Comics
Around Britain North-East Wales
The Census Years 1851
Reviews Includes The Secret Life of Dorothy Soames and an interview with Jan Slimming
Behind the Scenes Alex Kingston
Family Hero Erica Ward: 2x great aunt was a suffragist

ISSUE 176 April 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine April 2021

News Over 100,000 records transcribed on this year's Transcription Tuesday; Final WW1 pension records published online; Eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust released in English; National Library of Wales wins new funding
Off the record A capable woman
Feature Family history software buyers' guide
Feature The Society of Genealogists in lockdown
Reader story Douglas Zegers' great grandfather was a hero in Chile's navy
The Big Picture The Hare-Pie Scramble and Bottle-Kicking Festival, Hallaton, Leicestershire, c.1900
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Jayne Turner
Celebrating Your Projects Roads to the Past
Best websites Australian family history
Gem from the Archive Household account book, 1431-1432
Record Masterclass Irish tithe applotment books
Ancestors at Work Silk workers
Tech Tips How to locate ancestors' old and forgotten streets
Focus On Gibraltar records
Eureka Moment Sarah Fuller: Nan's life story reads like a Catherine Cookson novel
Social Story Children in care
Around Britain East Riding
The Census Years 1841
Reviews Includes Fashion and Your Family History and an interview with Peter Cullimore
Behind the Scenes Gregg Wallace
Family Hero Linda Kelsey Collard: Dad's skills helped Allied surveillance

ISSUE 175 March 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine March 2021

News Over 200,000 people sign up for RootsTech Connect; ScotlandsPeople and GRO updated online civil reg indexes; Findmypast adds Belfast and Ulster directories; BFI Player releases earliest moving images of Europe
Off the record Shadowy figures
Feature 17th century research
Feature One-name studies
Reader story William Cummings' family were involved in several sea disasters
The Big Picture Soldiers confront a crowd of men, women and children during a crisis in Dublin, February 1921
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Penney Thompson
Celebrating Your Projects Story of Schools
Best websites Muster rolls and the militia
Gem from the Archive Bell inscription books, 1888-2005
Record Masterclass Freemasons' registers
Ancestors at Work Nail-makers
Tech Tips Share part of your tree using Geneanet
Focus On English and Welsh baptism registers
Eureka Moment Kenneth Atkinson: Newspaper records helped to find cousins overseas
Social Story Regency etiquette
Around Britain Hampshire
The Census Years 1831
Reviews Includes Family Historian 7 and an interview with Géraldine Schwarz
Behind the Scenes Jason Donovan
Family Hero Helen Brooks: Great aunt died saving lives

ISSUE 174 February 2021

Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine February 2021

News Westminster records move from Findmypast to Ancestry; Findmypast creates new collection of 1.1 million Scottish gravestone records; The National Archives reopens with increased number of seats; Database of Scottish clergy launched
Off the record Parish register margins
Feature Free records on Ancestry and Findmypast
Feature Transcription Tuesday 2021
Reader Story A twist of fate saved Debra Barnes' mother from Auschwitz
The Big Picture Villagers in Balloch, near Inverness, travel by horse-drawn carriage, 14 February 1937
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Derek Mutch
Your Projects Gatehouse Folk
Best Websites Irish research
Gem from the Archive A girl's autograph book, 1909
Record Masterclass Medical Officer of Health Reports
Ancestors at Work Carpenters
Tech Tips Use the GRO's BMD indexes to save money
Focus On Adoption
Eureka Moment Bill Williams: Uncovered wife's great grandfather's adventures in Russia
Social Story Urban dairies
Around Britain Wiltshire
The Census Years 1821
Reviews Includes A Century of Female Revolution and interview with Morgan Jerkins
Behind the Scenes Liz Carr
Family Hero Richard Carr: 3x great grandmother was the miners' heroine

ISSUE 173 January 2021

Who Do You think You Are? Magazine January 2021

News Ancestry adds West Midlands police and criminal records; RootsTech Connect 2021 announces keynote speakers; Lancaster University launches map of First World War dead; Historian finds evidence of forgotten Civil War massacre
Off the record A scandal in high society
Feature 50 websites to watch 2021
Feature How to preserve old photographs
Reader Story Katie Carmichael's great grandfather was murdered in New York in 1939
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
The Big Picture The Amateur Skating Championships, 1947
Your Projects Bishopsteignton Heritage
Best Websites The Holocaust
Gem from the Archive Yorkshire football scrapbook, 1909-95
Record Masterclass Victuallers' Licences
Ancestors at Work Policewomen
Tech Tips Sharpen blurred faces with MyHeritage Photo Enhancer
Focus On Irish wills from 1858
Eureka Moment Annabelle Long: Found great great grandfather with help from another WDYTYA? reader
Social Story Railway speculation
Around Britain Herefordshire
The Census Years 1811
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Prisoner Ancestors and interview with Kate Summerscale
Behind the Scenes Ruth Jones
Family Hero Leona Thomas: Prussian ancestor was a pioneering man-midwife

ISSUE 172 December 2020

172 December issue

News Transcription Tuesday 2021 projects revealed; Historian protests TNA's restrictions on access; Over 671,000 Irish civil death records made available online; Century-old dog tag returned to owner's family
Off the record Christmas dinner
Feature Research tips from the Who Do You Think You Are? TV series
Feature Enter our reader survey and win a £200 Marks & Spencer e-Gift Card with our reader
Feature Tracing Polish refugees who came to Britain in 1830
Feature The Lady's Magazine
The Big Picture Nurses stir a Christmas pudding, 1938
Reader Story John Wahlich's ancestors escaped the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Doreen Lawson
Your Projects The Early Women Doctors Research Groups
Best Websites Cemeteries
Gem from the Archive PoW's log, 1941-45
Record Masterclass WW2 Army Service Records
Ancestors at Work Valets
Tech Tips Build a family history site with WordPress
Focus On Victorian shipwrecks
Eureka Moment Nicola Crawley: DNA solved the mystery of my biological granddad
Social Story Christmas crackers
Around Britain Northamptonshire
The Census Years 1801
Reviews Includes English Local History: An Introduction and interview with Rachel Morris
Behind the Scenes David Walliams
Family Hero Mike Wood: Dad was just yards from Rommel

ISSUE 171 November 2020

171 November issue

News £46.8m Plymouth archive and museum space opens; Ancestry and TheGenealogist add Welsh parish records; Researchers reveal the secrets of Viking DNA; Ancestry rolls out updated ethnicity estimates to users
Off the record Surnames
Feature Get more from your Ancestry DNA test
The Big Picture Remembrance Day, 1925
Feature Dating wedding photographs
Reader Story Bo Harris: Family emigrated from Orkney to New Zealand
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
Your Projects Ryedale Family History Group war memorial project
Best Websites French family history
Gem from the Archive Letter from Compton Mackenzie, 1941
Record Masterclass Nautical apprentices
Ancestors at Work Lacemakers
Tech Tips Use Tiki-Tiki to create an image-rich family history timeline
Focus On Gallantry awards
Behind the Headlines 1960s: The Beatles' last show
Eureka Moment Deborah Flint: Used lockdown to research a mystery World War One photograph
Social Story Healthcare before the NHS
Around Britain East Sussex
Reviews Includes A Guide to Tracing Your Family History Using the Census and interview with Bryony Hill
Behind the Scenes Jodie Whittaker
Family Hero Victor Nutt: Three female family members overcame great challenges

ISSUE 170 October 2020

170 October issue

News RootsTech replaces 2021 show with online event; Records of Grenadier Guards released; Findmypast improves Scottish offering; Ancestry releases millions of records of the Holocaust
Off the record Sheffield cutlers
Feature Get more from the Internet Archive
Feature World War Two book of memories
The Big Picture A game of conkers
Reader Story David Stokes' relative drove a tank in World War One
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album John Hobday
Your Projects [Re:]Entanglements
Best Websites Military medics and hospitals
Gem from the Archive A shoemaker's annals, c.1808-41
Record Masterclass The Police Gazette
Ancestors at Work Electricians
Tech Tips Use StoryTree to record and share family memories online
Focus On Irish civil records
Behind the Headlines 1950s: Munich air disaster
Eureka Moment Jan Marshall: Online family tree revealed a mystery relative
Social Story Student life
Around Britain Bedfordshire
Reviews Includes Children in Care 1834-1929 and Aneira 'Nye' Thomas
Behind the Scenes Shirley Ballas
Family Hero David Joy: 3x great grandfather narrowly escaped death at sea in the Napoleonic Wars

ISSUE 169 September 2020

Issue 169 September 2020 issue of Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine

News New website jewisharchives.org launches; Findmypast adds pawnbroker tickets; investment company buys Ancestry for $4.7 billion; West Yorkshire Archive Service wins 2020 archive volunteer award
Off the record 17th century childcare
Feature Census websites compared by Chris Paton
Feature University of Strathclyde's DNA Arbroath project
The Big Picture Harvesting hops in Kent
Reader Story Nigel Porter's Welsh mining kin were part of the American gold rush
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Hazel Garas
Your Projects A project (changeminds.org.uk) getting people with mental health conditions to research hospital casebooks
Best Websites Brewers and publicans
Gem from the Archive Swansea students' newspaper, 1921
Record Masterclass WW1 Army Nurses
Ancestors at Work Fisher girls
Tech Tips Use National Library of Scotland's website to compare historical and modern maps
Focus On Online criminal records
Eureka Moment Rosemary Wilmot: Marriage certificate and DNA broke down brick wall
Social Story The Blitz
Behind the Headlines 1940s: Berlin airlift
Around Britain South Yorkshire
Reviews Includes Tracing your Poor Ancestors and interview with Sue Paul
Behind the Scenes Nick Hewer
Family Hero Barbara Young: Nana and Grandad escaped the Nazis

ISSUE 168 August 2020

WDYTYA Magazine August 2020

News Archives start to reopen; Findmypast adds Catholic records; Staffordshire tithe maps go online; Pharos Tutors sold
Off the record Difficult ancestors and brick walls
Feature 10 tips for finding birth records
Feature The longest summer from VE Day to VJ Day
Feature Richard Atkinson on Jamaican slavery
The Big Picture Remembering the Few - Battle of Britain fighter pilot
Reader Story Rebecca Blacker Jones: Elva Blacker WW2 artist
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Keiran Williams
Your Projects History of Gillingham's old buildings
Best Websites Getting started
Gem from the Archive Bank of England Archive: Bank clerk's journal 1916-1917
Record Masterclass Japanese Index Cards for POWs
Ancestors at Work Chimney sweeps
Tech Tips Use Google Docs to extract text from scanned imges
Focus On 19th century Navy records
Eureka Moment Bryan Kelsall: War records identified my grandmother's secret boyfriend
Social Story Boy scouts
Behind the Headlines 1930s: Battle of Cable Street 1936
Around Britain Lancashire
Reviews Includes Tracing your Scottish Family History on the Internet and interview with Lisa Woollett
Behind the Scenes Sophie Raworth
Family Hero Patrick Nolan: Grandpa was a POW in the Far East

ISSUE 167 Summer 2020

WDYTYA Magazine Summer 2020

News Archives to reopen in September and Outer Hebrides museum and archive service shares stories – P9
Off the record Folk songs and flowers – P15
Feature The National Archives free digital downloads – P16
Feature Getting married by certificate, Rebecca Probert - P21
The Big Picture Chelsea Pensioners, 1940 – P25
Feature Post Second World War photography, Catherine Troiano – P26
Reader Story Peter Cooley: Great grandfather and his brother were Victorian policemen – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Will Mundy – P44
Your Projects The Poor Law 1700 to 1834 – P46
Best Websites Coal miners – P49
Gem from the Archive Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre: WW2 munitions worker's record – P52
Record Masterclass Catholic baptisms – P54
Ancestors at Work Private detectives – P57
Tech Tips MyHeritage In Color – P60
Focus On Welsh records – P63
Eureka Moment Pauline Stanley: Cousin revealed my family's dark secret – P68
Social Story Holiday camps – P70
Behind the Headlines 1920s: Tutankhamun's tomb discovered – P75
Around Britain Strathclyde – P77
Reviews Includes My Ancestors Worked in Textile Mills and interview with Randy Lindsay – P83
Behind the Scenes Paul Hollywood – P87
Family Hero Nicole Hohaia: Female forebears from New Zealand – P90

ISSUE 166 July 2020

WDYTYA Magazine July 2020

News Records released online for VE Day anniversary and WDYTYA? Magazine closes forum – P9
Off the record Past epidemics – P15
Feature Parish registers online, Rosemary Collins – P16
The Big Picture All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, 25 – P24
Feature How to curate your photographs, Nick Peers – P26
Reader Story Stephen King: I uncovered my parents' WW2 secrets – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Debbie Cameron – P46
Your Projects New Zealand Shipping Company Records for Genealogy – P48
Best Websites PoWs – P49
Gem from the Archive University of Leeds Library Special Collections Research Centre: Spinners' wage book – P52
Record Masterclass RAF ORBs – P54
Ancestors at Work Cutlers – P57
Tech Tips Name & Place – P60
Focus On Jamaican records – P63
Eureka Moment Paul Johnson: A journal I bought online solved my mystery – P68
Social Story Fire brigades – P70
Behind the Headlines 1910s: London Stock Exchange shuts down – P75
Around Britain Devon – P77
Reviews Includes The Titanic and the City of Widows It Left Behind and interview with Dr Penny Walters – P83
Behind the Scenes Jerry Hall – P87
Family Hero Peta McCauley - great great grandmother struggled through poverty and tragedy – P90

ISSUE 165 June 2020

WDYTYA Magazine June 2020

News Family history records make resources free for lockdown and volunteers transcribe Cheshire Absent Voters' List – P9
Off the record Celebrating local archives – P15
Feature Documents of the poor in England and Wales, Stuart A Raymond – P16
The Big Picture VE Day, 1945 – P25
Feature Interwar photography, Catherine Troiano – P26
Reader Story Robert Adams: Ancestors marched across the Indian subcontinent - P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Loretta Lawrance (nee Bennett) – P46
Your Projects Cowtown Churchyard Project, Devon – P48
Best Websites Metalworkers – P49
Gem from the Archive Glasgow Women's Library: Civil Defence Service photograph – P52
Record Masterclass The Navy List – P54
Ancestors at Work Shipbuilders – P57
Tech Tips FamilySearch free image archive – P60
Focus On Railway records – P63
Eureka Moment Helen Dann: Coroner's inquest revealed tragic story – P68
Social Story Pageants – P70
Behind the Headlines 1900s: Britain wins Boer War – P75
Around Britain Derbyshire – P77
Reviews Includes Sons of the Waves and interview with Esther Safran Foer – P83
Behind the Scenes Fearne Cotton – P87
Family Hero Maggie Brookes: Secret diaries told Dad's WW2 story – P90

ISSUE 164 May 2020

WDYTYA Magazine May 2020

News Shows cancelled and archives shut due to coronavirus, Ancestry adds Irish prison records, overseas periodicals added to Findmypast
Off the record The changing diet of our ancestors
Feature DNA ethnicity explained, Debbie Kennett
The Big Picture Roger Bannister breaks the four minute mile, 1954
Feature Swedish inheritance, Emma Jolly
Reader Story Paul Darran: Eight generations of soldiers and sailors
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts
My Family Album Margaret Fuller
Your Projects Northumbrian dialect
Best Websites The Home Front
Gem from the Archive Bethlem Hospital annual report, 1842
Record Masterclass Royal Artillery Tracer Cards
Ancestors at Work Landlords and landladies
Tech Tips Family Tree Maker TreeVault
Focus On Italian Civil Records
Eureka Moment Donna Tankard: I solved my mystery with online photos and a DNA test
Social Story Department stores
Behind the Headlines 1890s: Prince of Wales in gambling scandal
Around Britain Shropshire
Reviews Includes The Genealogical Sublime, Finding your Scottish Ancestors and interview with Jean Sprackland author of These Silent Mansions
Behind the Scenes Olivia Colman
Family Hero Howard Frost: My great grandfather was a renowned entomologist

ISSUE 163 April 2020

WDYTYA Magazine April 2020

News WDYTYA? Magazine readers transcribe over 25,000 records; Second World War Air Force records indexed – P9
Off the record Early 18th century parenthood – P15
Feature Family history on a budget, Chris Paton – P17
The Big Picture Hot cross buns on the training ship Warspite, – P24
Feature Dating early photographs, Catherine Troiano – P26
Reader Story Gordon Fraser: Eight of his wife's relations played for Everton – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Pat Smith (nee Hawkins) – P46
Your Projects Leyland Historical Society – P48
Best Websites Hospitals and asylums – P49
Gem from the Archive Wickham Market Area Archive Centre: Workhouse dietary table – P52
Record Masterclass Institutional census records – P54
Ancestors at Work Missionaries – P57
Tech Tips VueScan – P60
Focus On House history – P63
Eureka Moment Peter Williams: DNA test solved mystery of father's adoption – P68
Social Story 18th century taxes – P70
Behind the Headlines 1860s: Contagious Diseases Act repealed – P75
Around Britain Cambridgeshire – P77
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records and interview with Darran Anderson – P83
Behind the Scenes Lesley Sharp – P87
Family Hero Mike and Pauline Christopher: Pauline's great uncle was a First World War flying ace – P90

ISSUE 162 March 2020

WDYTYA Magazine March 2020

News Tickets go on sale for The Genealogy Show 2020 and Jersey Occupation records opened to the public – P9
Off the record 1920s family history – P15
Feature 1920s family history, Helen Antrobus – P16
The Big Picture London flood, 1928 – P22
Feature Murder, Mystery and My Family, Stephen Wade – P24
Reader Story Ann Bianchi and Ian Elliott: Descended from Shetland seafarers – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Tim Waterhouse – P46
Your Projects Behind the Barbed Wire, Derby – P48
Best Websites Romany and Traveller ancestors – P49
Gem from the Archive BT Archives: Patent for the electric telegraph – P52
Record Masterclass The Gentleman's Magazine – P54
Ancestors at Work Jewellers – P57
Tech Tips Search back issues on the Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine app – P60
Focus On Scottish civil registration – P63
Eureka Moment Tim Burrell: Indian journal was gateway to medieval lineage – P68
Social Story Child welfare – P70
Behind the Headlines 1870s: Birth control on trial – P75
Around Britain Staffordshire – P77
Reviews Includes Ladies Can't Climb Ladders and interview with Mikhal Dekhel – P83
Behind the Scenes Mark Wright – P87
Family Hero Ann Simcock: 2x great grandfather died in mining accident – P90

ISSUE 161 February 2020

WDYTYA Magazine February 2020

News Digital recreation of Public Record Office of Ireland given green light; Ancestry adds British military records – P9
Off the record The good nephew – P15
Feature Transcription Tuesday – P16
Feature Mayflower 400, Felix Rowe - P18
Feature Finding death records, Laura Berry - P23
The Big Picture The first parking meters, 1958 – P28
Reader Story Steve Parker: Relation went from teacher to fraudster– P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Gill Hulse – P48
Your Projects Everyday Muslim, Woking – P50
Best Websites Clergy – P51
Gem from the Archive Carlisle Archive Centre: Country house journals – P54
Record Masterclass Poverty maps – P56
Ancestors at Work Dockers – P59
Focus On Quarter session records – P63
Eureka Moment Martin Gething: Found previous residents of Lawrence of Arabia's home – P68
Social Story Extreme cold – P70
Behind the Headlines 1860s: London Underground opens – P75
Around Britain Kent – P77
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors in Lunatic Asylums and interview with Rebecca Gowers – P83
Behind the Scenes Katherine Ryan – P87
Family Hero John Porter: Cousin survived a high-society scandal – P90

ISSUE 160 January 2020

WDYTYA Magazine January 2020

News Date of Transcription Tuesday 2020 announced and dialect survey returns for 21st century – P9
Off the record New Year gifts – P15
Feature 50 websites to watch 2020, Jonathan Scott – P17
The Big Picture John Logie Baird demonstrates television, 1926 – P27
Feature Getting the most from professional researchers, Simon Fowler – P28
Reader Story Julie Fawcett: Reunited Sheffield's Little Italy – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Lynda Bird – P46
Your Projects The Workhouse, Southwell – P48
Best Websites 18th century records – P49
Gem from the Archive Guinness Archive: Roll of Honour – P52
Record Masterclass Wills before 1858 – P54
Ancestors at Work Furriers – P57
Tech Tips How to link RootsMagic to Ancestry – P60
Focus On Scottish Poor Law records – P63
Eureka Moment Steve Coggins: Proved right to Irish citizenship – P68
Social Story Vegetarianism – P70
Behind the Headlines 1850s: Cholera pandemic – P75
Around Britain County Durham – P77
Reviews Includes The Pulse Glass and interview with Sue Heaser – P83
Behind the Scenes Naomie Harris – P87
Family Hero Mandy Webb: Ancestor owned the land where Richard III was buried – P90

ISSUE 159 December 2019

WDYTYA Magazine December 2019
WDYTYA Magazine December 2019

News First RootsTech London and online map reveals locations of Second World War air raids – P9
Off the record Christmases gone by – P15
Feature Record your family's memories, Nick Peers – P16
Feature Copyright for family historians, Margaret Haig - P22
The Big Picture Foundling Hospital Christmas party, 1918 – P24
Feature Irish ancestors, Nicola Morris – P26
Reader Story Christina Longden: Ancestor was one of the first British Muslims – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Lynn Hilditch – P46
Your Projects Indexing WW1 and WW2 records, Rotherham – P48
Best Websites Royal Navy – P49
Gem from the Archive Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre: Workhouse accounts book – P52
Record Masterclass Scottish Services of Heirs – P54
Ancestors at Work Grocers – P57
Tech Tips Geocoding – P60
Focus On The British in India – P63
Eureka Moment Daniel Smith-Ramos: Found GI grandfather – P68
Social Story Christmas decorations – P70
Behind the Headlines 1840s: Presentation of the People's Charter – P75
Around Britain South Wales – P77
Reviews Includes Family Tree Maker 2019 and interview with Colin Grant – P83
Behind the Scenes The Whitehalls – P87
Family Hero Fiona Patterson-Fraser: Descended from Mary Anning – P90

News Cornish archive opens and two million WW1 pension records added to Ancestry – P9
Off the record Gravestone protest – P15
Feature Smash your brick walls, Simon Fowler – P16
The Big Picture Boys with fireworks, 1930 – P22
Feature Y-DNA testing – P24
Reader Story Stephen Moore: The tragic story of Polly Button – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Maureen Vidger – P46
Your Projects Priory Infant School, Ramsgate – P48
Best Websites Domestic Servants – P49
Gem from the Archive East Riding Archives: WW1 cartoons – P52
Record Masterclass Absent Voter lists – P54
Ancestors at Work Telegraph workers – P57
Tech Tips How to order and download a will – P60
Focus On Marriage records – P63
Eureka Moment Susan Moseley: Maiden name search solved my mystery – P68
Social Story Shell shock – P70
Behind the Headlines 1830s: Great Reform Act – P75
Around Britain London – P77
Reviews Includes Children at War 1914-1918 and interview with Helen Frisby – P83
Behind the Scenes Sharon Osbourne– P87
Family Hero Lorraine Tomlinson: My 2x great grandmother was in the workhouse 157 times – P90

News Ancestry adds Bristol parish registers and BBC puts WW2 archives on its website – P9
Off the record Northern Ireland migration – P15
Feature Local register offices tested – P17
The Big Picture The R101 airship crashes, 1930 – P24
Feature Navy Board Records – P26
Reader Story Robert Shafto: My campaigning ancestor was head of the TUC – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Nick Hobbs – P46
Your Projects Alford Heritage Museum, Aberdeenshire – P48
Best Websites DNA – P49
Gem from the Archive Sainsbury Archive: Bulletin book, 1939-1942 – P52
Record Masterclass Merchant Navy Crew Lists – P54
Ancestors at Work Potters – P57
Tech Tips How to use Ancestry hints – P60
Focus On Workhouse Records – P63
Eureka Moment Sandra Metcalfe: I found my ancestor using DNA – P68
Social Story 1889-1890 flu pandemic – P70
Behind the Headlines 1820s: Cato Street conspiracy – P75
Around Britain Somerset – P77
Reviews Includes To war with the Walkers and interview with Hazel V Carby – P85
Behind the Scenes Paul Merton – P87
Family Hero Rachel Thomas: Great uncle survived 88 days adrift in a lifeboat during WW2 – P90

News Probate costs cut to £1.50 and 12 million holocaust records made free on Ancestry – P9
Off the record Pioneering female parish clerk – P15
Feature Researching WW2 Army Ancestors – P16
The Big Picture Britain declares war on Germany, 1939 – P24
Feature Newfoundland cod trade, Katherine Ryan – P26
Reader Story Dennis Knight: My ancestor was an arsonist during the Swing Riots – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Belinda Dance – P46
Your Projects Chatterley Whitfield Colliery – P48
Best Websites English Civil War – P49
Gem from the Archive Ceredigion Archives: 1970s scrapbook recording country estate – P52
Record Masterclass Prison Registers – P54
Ancestors at Work Nurses – P57
Tech Tips How to scan photos from your phone – P60
Focus On Sephardic Jews – P63
Eureka Moment Bryony Parsons: Archivists in Norway helped solve my mystery – P68
Social Story Music Hall – P70
Behind the Headlines 1810s: Napoleon exited – P75
Around Britain Central Scotland – P77
Reviews Includes Tracing your ancestors using DNA and interview with Penny Walters – P83
Behind the Scenes Kate Winslet– P87
Family Hero Douglas Johnstone: Ancestor grew up in Leicester slum and became politician in New Zealand – P90

News Findmypast adds Irish poor records and Hearth Tax records go online – P9
Off the record Family heirloom teacup – P15
Feature 10 quick and easy tips to start your family tree – P16
Feature Donny Osmond interview – P21
Feature #HistoriansCollaborate project, Nick Barratt – P22
The Big Picture Heatwave in Regent’s Park, 1955 – P28
Reader Story Ann Bowling: My Missing Ancestors were British Home Children – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Angela Hildreth – P46
Your Projects Sharing Shetland Surnames – P48
Best Websites Musicians – P49
Gem from the Archive Parliamentary archives: Peterloo petitions, 1821 – P52
Record Masterclass The Gazette – P54
Ancestors at Work Commercial Travellers – P57
Tech Tips How to help BillionGraves project – P60
Focus On Wellington’s Army – P63
Eureka Moment Tracey Hillon: GRO indexes helped find a lost footballer – P68
Social Story Peterloo Massacre – P70
Behind the Headlines 1800s: George III assassination attempt – P75
Around Britain Cornwall – P77
Reviews Includes Tracing your Female Ancestors and interview with Vee Walker – P83
Behind the Scenes Daniel Radcliffe – P87
Family Hero Lionel Morris: My ancestor was the first pilot shot down by the Red Baron – P90

News RootsTech London schedule announced – P9
Feature New series preview – P14
Off the record Summers gone by – P17
Feature Discover childhood records – P18
Feature Clues in garden photographs – P28
Reader Story David Cooper Holmes: My 5x grandmother was a career criminal and folklore heroine – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Ann Simcock – P46
Your Projects Photos of the Past, Herefordshire – P48
Best Websites Film Archives – P49
Gem from the Archive Leicestershire Records Office: parish register, 16th century – P52
Record Masterclass Regimental and Unit histories – P54
Ancestors at Work Military Police – P57
Tech Tips How to create a family tree timeline – P60
Focus On Scottish Illegitimacy – P63
Eureka Moment Mick Crick: Ellis Island held the key to my ancestor’s death – P68
Social Story The Victorian penal system – P70
Behind the Headlines 1790s: France declares war on 
Britain – P75
Around Britain Nottinghamshire – P77
Reviews Includes Tracing your insolvent ancestors and interview with Margarette Lincoln – P83
Behind the Scenes Len Goodman– P87
Family Hero Anne Clark: Ancestor was the first black player at Wimbledon – P90

ISSUE 153 JULY 2019
News Records of families in China go online – P9
Off the record Family rifts revealed in wills – P15
Feature Parish registers online – P16
The Big Picture The Tower of London opening, 1894 – P24
Feature D-Day Landings 75th anniversary – P26
Reader Story Adrian Stone: My family came here with the Windrush Generation – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Linda Penhall – P46
Your Projects We Were There Too (UK Jews in WW1) – P48
Best Websites Shops and retail ancestors – P49
Gem from the Archive British Red Cross Museum and Archives – VAD card, 1914 – P52
Record Masterclass Probate Calendar – P54
Ancestors at Work Veterinarians – P57
Tech Tips How to grow your tree on Findmypast – P60
Focus On Trade Unions – P63
Eureka Moment Richard West: Nursery and Land Registry records revealed his ancestor’s nursery business – P68
Social Story History of public swimming pools – P70
Behind the Headlines 1780s: Australia’s penal colony founded – P75
Around Britain Edinburgh and the Lothians – P77
Reviews Includes Tracing your Potteries Ancestors and interview with Kristen den Hartog – P85
Behind the Scenes Una Stubbs – P87
Family Hero Brian Penn: Great grandmother Eliza Merrin survived the London slums – P90

ISSUE 152 June 2019
News TheGenealogist adds map feature – P9
Off the record Goose feathers – P15
Feature Make the most of your DNA matches – P17
The Big Picture Corby, Whit Monday, 1902 – P24
Feature National Library of Scotland maps – P26
Reader Story Bridget Yates: My ancestor’s letters are a poem from the past – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P41
My Family Album Anthony Wilson – P46
Your Projects Living Memory Association, Edinburgh – P48
Best Websites Genealogy Blogs – P49
Gem from the Archive Denbighshire Archives: Denbigh Charters, 1290-1662 – P52
Record Masterclass Freeman Appointments – P54
Ancestors at Work Milkmen – P57
Tech Tips How to share our family tree online – P60
Focus On Records of Empire – P63
Eureka Moment David Walshe: Discovers the truth behind a family tale of murder – P68
Social Story Lotteries – P70
Behind the Headlines 1770s: Boston Tea Party – P75
Around Britain Dorset – P77
Reviews Includes MobileFamilyTree 8.5 and interview with Margaret Hedley – P85
Behind the Scenes Emma Willis – P87
Family Hero Janet Anderson: Great grandmother fiercely independent and built houses – P90

ISSUE 151 MAY 2019
News FamilySearch shuts down TNA centre – P9
Off the record Wedgwood connection – P14
Feature Newspaper archives – P15
The Big Picture Easter eggs, 1937 – P22
Feature DNA dilemmas – P25
Reader Story David Riley: My family came from Bronte country – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P41
My Family Album Susan Martin – P46
Your Projects Newport Chartist walking trail – P48
Best Websites Medieval genealogy – P49
Gem from the Archive International Slavery Museum, Liverpool: Letter from an abolitionist, 1837 – P52
Record Masterclass Griffith’s Valuation – P54
Ancestors at Work Maids of All Work – P57
Tech Tips How to make the most of MyTreeTags – P60
Focus On WW1 disabled soldiers – P63
Eureka Moment Stuart Bursill: Workhouse records revealed a life of Dickensian poverty – P68
Social Story History of maypole dancing – P70
Behind the Headlines 1760s: The invention of the Spinning Jenny – P75
Around Britain Leicestershire and Rutland – P77
Reviews Includes 1919 A Land Fit For Heroes and interview with Aanchal Malhotra – P85
Behind the Scenes Billy Connolly – P87
Family Hero Linda Bennett: Great grandfather Thomas Pritchard survived the Battle of Jutland – P90

ISSUE 150 APRIL 2019
News Transcription Tuesday, London Poor Law hospital records indexed on Ancestry – P9
Off the record Graffiti by French prisoners – P15
Feature Understanding parish registers online – P16
The Big Picture Pupils follow the Oxford and Cambridge boat race – P24
Feature Jewish DNA – P26
Feature Countdown to 1921 census – P30
Reader Story Rosemary Johnston: A DNA test revealed an unknown branch of her family – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P39
My Family Album Victoria Horton – P48
Your Projects Ian Castle’s WW1 Zeppelin project – P50
Best Websites Orphanages and children’s homes – P51
Gem from the Archive Lancashire Archives: An 18th century gentleman’s diary – P54
Record Masterclass Passenger Lists – P56
Ancestors at Work Coal miners – P59
Focus On Taxation records – P63
Eureka Moment Enda McEvoy: A newspaper revealed the secret life of a Victorian gamekeeper – P68
Social Story Marriage bar – P70
Behind the Headlines 1750s: The Black Hole of Calcutta – P75
Around Britain Hertfordshire – P77
Reviews Includes Maybe Esther and interview with Eleanor Anstruther – P83
Behind the Scenes Lulu – P87
Family Hero Ita Lawson: Great aunt Cissy Lecky was a WW1 nurse – P90

ISSUE 149 March 2019
News GRO increases charges for BMD records – P9
Off the record Field names – P14
Feature Break down your brick walls – P15
The Big Picture Shrove Tuesday football – P22
Feature Royal and gateway ancestors – P25
Reader Story Lynda Giller: Love affair and scandal – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P41
My Family Album David Fuller – P46
Your Projects Littleport Society – P48
Best Websites War memorials – P49
Gem from the Archive National Fairground and Circus Archive: Circus performers passport, 1914 – P52
Record Masterclass Muster rolls – P54
Ancestors at Work Laundresses – P57
Tech Tips Reverse image searching – P60
Focus On Apprentices – P63
Eureka Moment Erica Moores: An Ancestry hint helped solve an Italian mystery – P68
Social Story Public parks – P70
Behind the Headlines 1740s: The ‘45 rebellion – P75
Around Britain North Yorkshire – P77
Reviews Includes Portillo’s Hidden History of Britain and interview with David Bremner – P83
Behind the Scenes Lisa Hammond – P87
Family Hero Tony Higgs: Great great grandmother Emma Overton kept her family out of the workhouse – P90

ISSUE 148 February 2019
News Database of Scottish surgeons goes online – P9
Off the record Beards – P15
Feature Transcription Tuesday – P16
Feature Find your family in every census – P18
The Big Picture Queen Victoria’s funeral – P24
Feature Understanding your DNA ethnicity results – P26
Reader Story Alan Fraser: Online family album connected him to newfound relations – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P37
My Family Album Carol Suddes – P46
Your Projects Isleworth 390 WW1 project – P48
Best Websites Prisons – P49
Gem from the Archive Essex Record Office: Industrial School Register, 1872-1883 – P52
Record Masterclass Tithe maps – P54
Ancestors at Work Cabmen – P57
Tech Tips How to get better scans of your photos – P60
Focus On Performers – P63
Eureka Moment Peter Thompson: ‘Geneanet revealed my French ancestry in seconds’ – P68
Social Story Valentine’s Day cards – P70
Behind the Headlines 1730s: The War of Jenkin’s Ear – P75
Around Britain Surrey – P77
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Oxfordshire Ancestors and interview with Stephen Carver – P83
Behind the Scenes Danny Dyer – P87
Family Hero Douglas Edwards: Robert Klamroth cycled from London to Edinburgh – P90

ISSUE 147 January 2019
News Missing records in new GRO indexes – P9
Off the record New Year calendar change – P15
Feature 50 websites to watch in 2019 – P17
The Big Picture Siege of Sidney Street – P28
Feature How to share family history with children – P31
Reader Story Amelia Thorogood: A DNA test solved an adoption mystery – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P43
Gem from the Archive Working Class Movement Archive: Conscientious objector’s scrapbook – P52
Best Websites Surnames – P55
Record Masterclass Temperance Pledges – P58
Ancestors at Work Shoemakers – P61
Tech Tips How to use Find A Grave – P64
Focus On Nonconformists – P67
Eureka Moment Mike Pearson: ‘I went to Ireland and found my great grandfather’s field’ – P72
Social Story Women at sea – P74
Behind the Headlines 1720s: Jack Sheppard hanged – P79
Around Britain Highlands & Islands – P81
My Family Album Jane Hough – P88
Your Projects Medway Queen Preservation Society – P90
Reviews Includes Criminal Children and interview with Lucy Williams – P91
Behind the Scenes Esther Rantzen – P95
Family Hero Olwyn Venn: George Robins flamboyant Victorian auctioneer – P98

ISSUE 146 December 2018
News Map of WW1 shipwrecks goes online – P9
Off the record Decorating Christmas trees – P15
Feature The complete guide to DNA testing kits – P17
The Big Picture East End Mission Christmas lunch – P24
Feature Christmas family photographs – P24
Feature MyHeritage and TheGenealogist – P30
Reader Story Linda Hill: Relative bought The Fighting Temeraire, made famous by JMW Turner – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P41
Gem from the Archive East London Mosque Archives: London Mosque Fund minute book, 1910 – P50
Best Websites East End ancestors – P53
Record Masterclass Trade directories – P56
Ancestors at Work Public houses – P59
Tech Tips How to add stories to Layers of London – P62
Focus On Trinity House records – P65
Eureka Moment Penny Munden: How an electoral register revealed the life of a Portsmouth businessman – P70
Social Story Pantomime – P72
Behind the Headlines 1710s: St Paul’s completed – P77
Around Britain North Wales – P79
Your Projects Aberdeen & North-East Scotland FHS – P87
My Family Album Julie Walker – P88
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Roman Catholic Ancestors and interview with Louisa Deasey – P91
Behind the Scenes Brian Blessed – P95
Family Hero Becky Bishop: Relative Emily Hobhouse was a pioneering peace campaigner – P98

ISSUE 145 November 2018
News WW1 pension records go live on Ancestry – P9
Off the record End of the WW1 Centenary – P15
Feature Find your WW1 Army ancestors online – P17
Feature Made in Great Britain TV preview – P26
The Big Picture Armistice at Buckingham Palace – P30
Reader Story Julie Ann Godson: The WW1 fallen of the Windrush Valley, Oxfordshire – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P41
Gem from the Archive Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies: WW1 casualty books, 1915–1918 – P50
Best Websites Historic maps – P53
Record Masterclass Electoral registers – P56
Ancestors at Work Teachers – P59
Tech Tips How to read WDYTYA? Magazine on iOS – P62
Focus On Asylum records – P65
Eureka Moment Pauline Larder: How the GRO birth index led to a major breakthrough – P70
Social Story Battlefield tourism – P72
Behind the Headlines 1700s: Great Britain is created – P77
Around Britain Essex – P79
Your Projects Stalbridge History Society – P87
My Family Album WDYTYA? Magazine editor Sarah Williams – P88
Reviews Includes Peace at Last: A Portrait of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918 and interview with Lucinda Hawksley – P91
Behind the Scenes Robert Rinder – P95
Family Hero Sylvia Collins: Grandfather John Thompson Wright saved a platoon during WW1 – P98

On the record Royal Scots Regiment Roll of Honour published online – P10
Off the record Ancestral homes – P14
Feature Go beyond 1837 – P15
Feature Huguenots in Britain – P22
Feature Getting started part three: archives – P28
Past in Pictures Circus! Show of Shows – P32
Reader Story Valerie Corby unearthed a story of sinister Victorian crimes – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Historic Environment Scotland photo album, 1893 – P48
Best websites Merchant Navy – P51
Focus on The Court of King’s Bench – P54
How to... Use Evidentree – P60
Your Projects WW2 civilian internment camp digitisation project – P62
Focus on 1911 overseas military census – P63
Social Story Victorian spiritualism – P66
My Ancestor Was A... Cook – P71
Eureka Moment Mike Greatorex discovered American relatives he never knew existed – P74
Behind the Headlines 1869: The First Sainsbury’s – P77
Around Britain Northern Ireland – P81
Reviews Including The British in India: Three Centuries of Ambition and Experience – P89
30-minute Genealogist IrishGenealogy.ie – P94
My Family Hero Dr Elizabeth Carrey’s aunt, Marjory Carrey, was a dedicated family historian – P98

On the record Researchers track Victorian population using census areas – P10
Off the record Life before alarm clocks – P14
Feature Wills – P15
Feature Getting started part two: online resources – P22
Feature Going beyond ScotlandsPeople – P25
Past in Pictures Barnet Fair – P30
Reader Story Frances Richardson discovered an uncle her father never knew – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Report into an accident on Regent’s Canal, 1874 – P48
Best websites Local and village history – P51
Focus on Scottish criminal records – P54
How to... Catalogue items with Tropy – P60
Your Projects Laurentic Legacy – P62
Focus On Irish Registry of Deeds – P63
Social Story WW2 overseas evacuees – P66
My Ancestor Was A... Female railway clerk – P71
Eureka Moment Lesley Keir tracked down her father’s orphanage records – P74
Behind the Headlines 1811: The Madness of George III – P77
Around Britain Northumberland – P81
Reviews Including Orphans: A History – P89
30-minute Genealogist South African Genealogy – P94
My Family Hero Derek Turner’s grandmother Annie Gulvin was one of the first professional female gardeners – P98

ISSUE 142 August 2018
On the record Volunteer transcription project celebrated – P10
Off the record Victorian dentistry – P14
Feature 20 essential tips for 20th century research – P15
Feature First steps to uncovering ancestral history – P23
Feature Local BMD certificates – P28
Past in Pictures Fruit picking – P32
Reader Story Michelle Ballard discovers how her great great aunt was a suffragette and close friends with the Pankhursts – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Cyclist’s diary, 1898–1935 – P48
Best websites Caribbean research – P51
Focus on The Irish Revolution – P54
How to... Transform your research into a family memoir – P60
Focus on Patent records – P63
Social Story Worker’s Educational Association – P67
My Ancestor Was A... Councillor – P71
Eureka Moment A simple transaction error enabled Robert Ward to trace his family to the Domesday Period – P74
Behind the Headlines The children’s charter, 1889 – P77
Around Britain Oxfordshire – P81
Reviews Including Criminal Women 1850-1920: Researching the Lives of Britain’s Female Offenders – P89
30-minute Genealogist Irish census records – P94
My Family Hero Mary Horlock’s ancestor, Joseph Gray, was a war artist – P98

ISSUE 141 Summer 2018
On the record Website collates data on 19th-century prisons – P10
Off the record Harvest time – P14
Feature Find free records on FamilySearch – P15
Feature DNA Painter – P23
Feature How to trace your Irish family – P29
Past in Pictures Healthcare in wartime – P32
Reader Story Julie Aspen uncovers a badly-behaved ancestor during the Lancashire Cotton Famine – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive ‘Big Bertha’ police register, 1893–1926 – P48
Best websites Boer War – P51
Focus on Beach photographs – P55
How to... Scan documents with Office Lens – P60
Focus on Creed registers – P63
Social Story Victorian pleasure boating – P66
My Ancestor Was A.... Paper-maker – P71
Eureka Moment Keith Stanton tracked down the fate of an ancestor in Australia – P74
Behind the Headlines India gains independence, 1947 – P77
Around Britain Cumbria – P81
Reviews Including London’s East End: A Guide for Family and Local Historians – P89
30-minute Genealogist Gibraltarian kin – P94
My Family Hero Jane Sherwood celebrates Charlie Plant, who spent his early years in a workhouse but built a happy life for his family – P98

ISSUE 140 July 2018
On the record Free criminal ancestors website launched – P10
Off the record Suicide and the family tree – P14
Feature Digitised parish registers in 2018 – P15
Feature The Channel Islands under Nazi occupation – P22
Feature The state of archives – P27
Past in Pictures The Royal National Lifeboat Institution – P32
Reader Story Jan Saunders unearths a treasure trove of information detailing her grandmother’s service as a wartime nurse – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Letter from an immigrant, 1818-19 – P48
Best websites American genealogy – P51
Focus on Naval reservists – P54
How to... Use GenScriber to transcribe documents – P60
Focus on Women’s suffrage records – P63
Social Story Exams, a Victorian legacy – P67
My Ancestor Was An... Lady’s maid – P71
Eureka Moment A third marriage helps Mick Henry break down a 30-year brick wall – P74
Behind the Headlines Hardwicke’s Marriage Act, 1753 – P77
Around Britain Worcestershire – P81
Reviews The Street-wise Guide to Doing Your Family History – P89
30-minute Genealogist Norfolk Record Office – P94
My Family Hero Ivan Watson explores the life of his great great aunt, the private nurse of Queen Mary – P98

ISSUE 139 June 2018
On the record International Bomber Command Centre opens – P10
Off the record Royal weddings – P14
Feature Civil registration – P15
Feature POWs in the Far East, a family history – P22
Feature Protect your archives - P28
Past in Pictures Rural Norfolk – P32
Reader Story John Walker discovers a history of hardship, poverty and a distant ancestor torn away from her family. – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Girlguiding logbooks, 1920-1989, Norfolk – P48
Best websites WW1 volunteers and charities – P51
Focus on Reformatory and industrial schools – P54
How to... Fill in the gaps in your family tree – P60
Focus on University registers – P63
Social Story Working in the Royal Service – P66
My Ancestor Was A.... Apothecary – P71
Eureka Moment Mary Bodfish discovers the marriage licence of her 4x great grandmother – P74
Behind the Headlines The Passing of the Mines Act, 1942 – P77
Around Britain Buckinghamshire – P81
Reviews Tracing your Georgian Ancestors, 1714-1837 – P89
30-minute Genealogist 1851 Anglo Jewry Database – P94
My Family Hero Nicola Waterfall discovers a great grandmother torn from her family in war but unearths strength and resilience – P98

ISSUE 138 May 2018
On the record Imperial War Museums creates database of UK’s war memorials – P10
Off the record Deepest roots of the family tree – P14
Feature Love the challenge of finding family history – P15
Feature Taking a course in genealogy – P22
Feature Glasgow’s gangs– P28
Past in Pictures Edwardian East Riding – P32
Reader Story Colin Ward’s tree includes successful performers and composers, unravelling their secrets required detective work – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive Letter from a headmaster, 1922 – P48
Best websites European genealogy – P51
Focus on Tudor ancestors – P54
How to... Take a trip back in time with HistoryPin – P60
Focus on Army description books – P63
Social Story 19th century feather trade – P67
My Ancestor Was An... Gardener – P71
Eureka Moment Sheila Foreman finally tracked down her father’s birth certificate – P74
Behind the Headlines 1938 FA Cup final televised – P77
Around Britain Suffolk – P81
Reviews Ordinary Heroes: The Story of civilian volunteers in the First World War – P89
30-minute Genealogist Cumbria Archive Service – P94
My Family Hero Dr Marion Nash pays tribute to the orphan Joseph Quillan – P98

ISSUE 137 April 2018
On the record Lost public record office of Ireland – P10
Off the record Ancestors before photography – P14
Feature 1939 Register – P15
Feature Air Force women – P20
Feature Spring clean your family history - P26
Past in Pictures Airfields in the World Wars – P32
Reader Story “My Ancestor was in the navy at the battle of Trafalgar” – Gordon Martin – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Dictation by the seer Joanna Southcott, 1813 – P48
Best websites Medical ancestors – P51
Focus on Scottish church records – P54
How to... Use the Lives of the First World War website – P61
Focus on Convict records – P63
Social Story Brewing beer in the country – P67
My Ancestor Was A.... Locksmith – P71
Eureka Moment Andy Page turned to our forum for help tracing his wife’s grandfather – P74
Behind the Headlines The Rule of Law is Established – P77
Around Britain Gloucestershire – P81
Reviews Tracing History Through Title Deeds – P89
30-minute Genealogist Wiltshire in the First World War– P94
My Family Hero Bill Anderson’s relative was a fearless hero in the Crimean War – P98

ISSUE 136 March 2018
On the record Thousands of records put online during Transcription Tuesday – P10
Off the record Impatient for peace – P14
Feature Ancestry and Findmypast tested – P15
Feature From rags to riches: understanding social mobility – P29
Past in Pictures Women in trousers – P34
Reader Story Edward Knowles reveals how a shared passion for genealogy introduced him to a large network of kin – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive First World War memory book, 1915-17 – P50
Best websites Family in India – P53
Focus on Settlement and removal – P56
How to... Use XY Family Tree to record relationships – P62
Focus on 1910 land survey – P65
Social Story Learning disabilities and Victorian asylums – P68
My Ancestor Was An... Antique dealer – P73
Eureka Moment Tim Butters recalls how he tracked down his mother-in-law’s family cottage in Ireland – P76
Behind the Headlines 1918: The Flu Pandemic – P79
Around Britain West Sussex – P83
Reviews Includes Dark Days of Georgian Britain: Rethinking the Regency – P92
30-minute Genealogist Birmingham burial records – P96
My Family Hero How David Porter found a principled 19th-century politician in his wife’s tree – P98

On the record Irish genealogists call for 1926 census release – P10
Off the record The struggle for suffrage – P14
Feature Research your family for free online – P15
Feature 6 genealogy pitfalls to avoid – P28
Past in Pictures Life on the home front in 1917 – P32
Reader Story How lateral thinking helped Judith Bennett uncover her family’s secrets – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive An East End detective’s notebooks, 1902-1909 – P48
Best websites Dating your photographs – P51
Focus on Medical ancestors – P54
How to... Tell your family stories with Timeline 3D – P60
Focus on Parish census records – P63
Social Story Battle for the ballot box – P67
My Ancestor Was A.... Soapmaker – P71
Eureka Moment How a Methodist connection helped Peter Craggs unlock his tree – P74
Behind the Headlines 1952: The Great Smog – P77
Around Britain Warwickshire – P81
Reviews Includes Hearts and Minds: The Untold Story of the Great Pilgrimage and How Women Won the Vote – P89
30-minute Genealogist World Jewish Relief archives – P94
My Family Hero Max Higgins’ grandmother was a midwife in the Second World War – P98

On the record Irish GRO releases new records after delays; Findmypast revamps subs system – P10
Off the record Addicted to the thrill of detection – P14
Feature 50 websites to watch in 2018 – P17
Feature Time to share your family tree – P27
Past in Pictures Life in the East End – P32
Reader Story Hilary Ford’s Victorian shoemaker ancestor came from nothing but enjoyed great success – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Cutting from a local newspaper (London Transport Museum), 1918 – P48
Best websites House history – P51
Focus on Burial records – P54
How to... Sync up Family Tree Maker 2017 and Ancestry – P60
Focus on Manorial court rolls – P63
Social Story Ice skating through the ages – P66
My Ancestor Was A... Brushmaker – P71
Eureka Moment FIBIS helped Edwina Bentley discover her father’s family in British India – P74
Behind the Headlines 1876: The first telephone call – P77
Around Britain Cheshire – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors Through the Equity Courts – P89
30-minute Genealogist Welsh newspapers online – P94
My Family Hero Pauline Godsall’s family connection popularised recreational camping at the turn of the 20th century – P98

On the record GRO releases birth and death records as PDFs; SoG welcomes associate members – P10
Off the record Tanks for the money – P14
Feature 10 essential records for family historians – P17
Feature Greek tragedy: the British soldiers defending the Aegean Island of Leros from the Germans, 1943 – P27
Past in Pictures Christmas traditions – P32
Reader Story Simon Marley shares the challenges his ‘pit lass’ ancestor faced in the early 19th century – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Children’s hospital case notes, 1871 – P48
Best websites WW1 airmen and ground crew – P51
Focus on Studio portraits – P55
How to... Map your family tree for free with NLS’s site – P60
Focus on Servant’s wages books – P63
Social Story Victorian toys – P67
My Ancestor Was A.... Glover – P71
Eureka Moment Tim Cook consulted local newspapers to uncover the mysterious circumstances around a forebear’s death – P74
Behind the Headlines 1826: The opening of the Menai Bridge – P77
Around Britain Berkshire – P81
Reviews Includes Family Tree Maker 2017 – P89
30-minute Genealogist Australian newspapers – P94
My Family Hero Gillian Sandle’s grandfather was a interpreter and linguist on Christmas Island – P98

On the record 90,000 convict records made available for free; New Catholic database launched – P10
Off the record Family photographs – P14
Feature Track down your Army ancestors – P17
Feature Explore your archive – P28
Past in Pictures Guy Fawkes Night – P32
Reader Story Wycliffe School pupils traced the Old Boys who died in the First World War – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Boots' employee magazine, 1915 – P48
Best websites Medals and awards – P51
Focus on Postal ancestors - P54
How to... Record family audio memories with Storyglory – P60
Your Projects Blood of the Valleys - P62
Focus on Churchwardens' accounts – P63
Social Story Industry queens – P66
My Ancestor Was A.... Railway navvy – P71
Eureka Moment Margaret Robinson found her father's birth record with creative thinking – P74
Behind the Headlines 1903: Penrhyn slate strike ends – P77
Around Britain Lincolnshire – P81
Reviews Includes Children's Homes by Peter Higginbotham – P89
30-minute Genealogist National Library of Ireland parish registers – P94
My Family Hero Cheb Campbell's father escaped Dunkirk and the Death Railway – P98

On the record National Library of Scotland finishes digitisation of Ordnance Survey maps; DNA tests reveal heritage of Bledington – P10
Off the record 10 years of Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine – P14
Feature Discover your London ancestors – P16
Feature 10th anniversary competition – P26
Feature 10 tips for smarter census searching - P29
Past in Pictures Animals in the Second World War – P32
Reader Story Allan Palmer discovered mystery, bigamy and two young boys sent overseas alone – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Letter to a Spanish refugee, 1940 – P48
Best websites Free databases – P51
Focus on Holocaust records - P54
How to... Share your family tree with Oxy-Gen – P60
Your Projects Utterby parish church - P62
Focus on Irish newspapers – P63
Social Story London's street children – P66
My Ancestor Was A.... Gamekeeper – P71
Eureka Moment Phil Challis and Frances Abrook discovered an emigrant's true identity with help from the Isle of Wight FHS - P74
Behind the Headlines 1891: Sherlock Holmes appears in The Strand magazine – P77
Around Britain Liverpool – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Church of England Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist National Library of Wales – P94
My Family Hero Debbie Flint's relative was a renowned Irish lawyer and promising politician – P98

On the record Northamptonshire Council abandons archive cuts; Willesden Cemetery seeks funding – P10
Off the record Bygone holidays – P14
Feature 17 ways to search like an expert - P16
Feature A military family in 18th century Gibraltar - P22
Feature How to set up a specialist website - P27
Past in Pictures Children helping Dig for Victory – P32
Reader Story Heather Potter: My Victorian slum ancestors became political leaders – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Schedule of Steam Engine Makers' Society, 1913 – P48
Best websites 17th century ancestors – P51
Focus on Scottish death records - P54
How to... Use Legacy 9.0 – P60
Your Projects Database of Civil War army officers - P62
Focus on Second World War prisoners of war – P63
Social Story Home sewing – P66
My Ancestor Was A.... Glassmaker – P71
Eureka Moment Ron Ragsdale: DNA tests solved a paternity mystery – P74
Behind the Headlines 1917: The Bolshevik Revolution – P77
Around Britain Norfolk – P81
Reviews Includes Flesh and Blood – P89
30-minute Genealogist Passenger lists – P94
My Family Hero Peter Braithwaite: My grandfather served his country and travelled the world – P98

On the record Postal Museum opens; Colchester Recalled project under threat – P10
Off the record Home ownership – P14
Feature 19th century Birmingham – P16
Feature Meet Who Do You Think You Are? genealogists Sara Khan and Laura Berry - P20
Feature Discover your circus ancestors - P22
Feature How to avoid genealogy pitfalls - P29
Past in Pictures Camping holidays – P32
Reader Story Ian Smith's Indian family – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive York canteen visitors' book, 1942-45 – P48
Best websites Trade and in-company magazines – P51
Focus on Gold rush Australia - P54
How to... Create stories on your computer with Adobe Spark – P60
Your Projects The Nightingale Centre - P62
Focus on Bastardy bonds – P63
Social Story Piers – P66
My Ancestor Was A.... Confectioner – P71
Eureka Moment Jean Evans: An article revealed a lost fortune – P74
Behind the Headlines 1882: Married Women's Property Act – P77
Around Britain Sheffield – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Villains & Their Victims – P89
30-minute Genealogist The New York Times – P94
My Family Hero Liz Stewart-Smith: Relative was Britain's oldest postmistress – P98

ISSUE 128 Summer 2017
On the record Women’s Volunteers’ wartime diaries go online; Digital Boots Archive launched – P10
Off the record Jane Austen’s novels – P14
Feature 18th century records – P16
Feature WDYTYA? Series 14 celebrities revealed – P24
Feature Passchendaele Remembered – P27
Past in Pictures Ice cream sellers – P32
Reader Story Bob Shaw created a fitting tribute to his Grandfather who died on the Somme – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Steventon marriage register, 1755-1812 – P48
Best websites Wills – P51
Focus on Nelson’s Navy – P54
How to... Create your own genealogical dictionary with Heredis 2017 – P60
Celebrating Your Projects Jane Austen remembered – P62
Focus on Militia – P63
Feature Jane Austen and Regency England marriage – P66
My Ancestor Was A.... Lawyer – P71
Eureka Moment Andrew Alston found a missing ancestor – P74
Behind the Headlines 1817: Death of Jane Austen – P77
Around Britain Austen’s Hampshire – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors’ Lives – P89
30-minute Genealogist The Old Bailey – P94
My Family Hero Ron Bygate’s grandfather fought in the American Civil War – P98

ISSUE 127 July 2017
On the record WDYTYA? Live to close its doors; Scotland’s War reopens as charity– P10
Off the record Oldham’s industrial past – P14
Feature 50 Scottish resources – P16
Feature The Name Game– P23
Past in Pictures Second World War in Colour – P32
Reader Story Debra Charnley traces the mystery of her Grandfather’s post-First World War disappearance – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Southwell Workhouse isolation hospital letters, 1929 – P48
Best websites Canada – P51
Focus on Travel – P54
How to... Record Kindeo family video diary – P60
Celebrating Your Projects Bryan Mawer’s sugar website – P62
Focus on Police Pensions – P63
Feature GMT and Changing Times – P66
My Ancestor Was A... Framework Knitter – P71
Eureka Moment Michael Brennan tracked down an ancestor with a common name – P74
Behind the Headlines 1937 Amelia Earhart disappears – P77
Around Britain Plymouth – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Manchester and Salford Ancestors: A Guide for Family and Local Historians – P89
30-minute Genealogist Nonconformists – P94
My Family Hero Will Wainewright is a relation of Rothay Reynolds, who interviewed Adolf Hitler– P98

ISSUE 126 June 2017
On the record Metropolitan Police pension files go online; Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE 2017 roundup – P10
Off the record A Quaker memorial meeting – P14
Feature Parish registers online 2017 – P15
Feature Bomber Command – P22
Feature Anglo-Indian cookbook – P28
Past in Pictures The WW Winter Archive – P32
Reader Story Dennis Hepworth’s graveyard find opened up a new branch of his tree – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Register of Women Postal Workers, 1915-16 – P48
Best websites Photographic archives – P51
Focus on Catholic ancestors – P54
How to... Use the WDYTYA? Forum Mobile App – P60
Celebrating Your Projects Militia Ballot Lists – P62
Focus on Early censuses, 1801-1831 – P63
Feature Garden Cities – P66
My Ancestor Was A... Midwife – P71
Eureka Moment Karen Rye discovered Canadian kin she never knew existed – P74
Behind the Headlines 1852: Wellington’s funeral – P77
Around Britain The Borders – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Glasgow Ancestors: A Guide for Family and Local Historians – P89
30-minute Genealogist workhouses.org.uk – P94
My Family Hero DNA revealed Dawn Pollard’s link to Pocahontas – P98

ISSUE 125 MAY 2017
On the record London FamilySearch Centre films on the move; New look for the National Army Museum – P10
Off the record Victorian reporters – P14
Feature DNA testing guide – P17
Feature 120 years of film heritage – P25
Past in Pictures William Henry Fox Talbot online photographic archive – P30
Reader Story Joyce Fennell’s ancestors took part in the California Gold Rush – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Travel documents of evacuated Jewish children – P46
Best websites Apprentices – P49
Focus on Scottish medical records – P52
How to... Merge GEDCOM files into your research – P58
Celebrating Your Projects The London Welsh – P60
Focus On 1841 census – P61
Feature WW1 tribunals – P67
My Ancestor Was A... Boatman – P71
Eureka Moment When Trevor Green hit a brick wall trying to find his great uncle’s wife, he enlisted the help of a nun and WDYTYA? Magazine – P74
Behind the Headlines 1796: Jenner inoculates against smallpox – P77
Around Britain The Potteries – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Pre-Victorian Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist The revamped ScotlandsPeople – P94
My Family Hero Marion Edwards’ ancestor was a talented Yorkshire artist – P98

ISSUE 124 APRIL 2017
On the record Catholic records go online for the first time; Marriage registers face changes – P10
Off the record Victorian inventories – P14
Feature Maps – P17
Feature WDYTYA? LIVE 2017 preview – P25
Past in Pictures Butlin’s seaside breaks – P30
Reader Story Alison Burtt grew up with a sense of mystery as her father was unable to tell her much about his roots – the truth was shocking – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Diary of voyage on board the ss Great Britain, 1852 – P46
Best websites Nonconformity – P49
Focus on Childhood records – P52
How to... Create a timeline with Twile – P58
Focus on 1851-1901 censuses – P61
Social Story Public libraries – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Stamford Boys – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Ship’s stoker – P71
Eureka Moment When Adrian Wander found a mysterious death, he thought he’d never know the truth, but help came from the WDYTYA? Magazine forum – P74
Behind the Headlines 1846: The Potato Famine – P77
Around Britain Wiltshire – P81
Reviews Includes A History of Courtship and Mad or Bad: Crime and Insanity in Victorian Britain – P89
30-minute Genealogist Welsh wills – P94
My Family Hero Jane Dover has discovered a wealth of detail about Simon Tonge, an illustrious man who served Richard II – P98

ISSUE 123 MARCH 2017
On the record Findmypast launches Leicestershire Collection; Ancestry adds new London material – P10
Off the record Timothy Cragg’s journey to America – P14
Feature Newspaper sources – P17
Feature Transcription Tuesday roundup – P22
Feature Sir Ian McKellen’s episode – P24
Past in Pictures Battersby Hats of Stockport – P30
Reader Story Laura Hickman found a fugitive who was implicated in the deaths of several women – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Fulbourn Asylum records, 1906-1930 – P46
Best websites Wales – P49
Focus on Gypsy ancestors – P52
How to... Scan photos and documents on the go – P58
Focus on 1911 census – P61
Social Story Little Ireland – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Norton Conyers archive – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Baker – P71
Eureka Moment When Alan Hillier visited his great grandfather’s grave, he was shocked to solve a 20-year puzzle about another ancestor – P74
Behind the Headlines 1838: Queen Victoria is crowned – P77
Around Britain Kent – P81
Reviews Includes The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker and Voices from the Past – P89
30-minute Genealogist Caribbean islands – P94
My Family Hero Jane Gill’s ancestor was an author and Fleet Street journalist – P98

ISSUE 122 February 2017
On the record 2.1 million Hampshire records released; Success for Explore Your Archive campaign – P10
Off the record Godparents – P14
Feature Go back further at The National Archives – P17
Feature Shipwrecked ancestors – P22
Feature The case of the philandering opera singer – P25
Past in Pictures Shrove Tuesday – P30
Reader Story Corinna Meiss’s discovery of an Anglo-German relative revealed a story of wartime suffering – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive WW2 child evacuee memoirs – P46
Best websites Victorian soldiers – P49
Focus on Council records – P52
How to... Manage family history with Ancestris – P58
Focus on Scottish WW1 pension appeals – P61
Social Story Lonely hearts columns – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Lancashire Family History & Heraldry Society crew lists – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Police detective – P71
Eureka Moment Brian Mayne spearheaded a team that solved a 130-year-old adoption mystery– P74
Behind the Headlines 1936: The Jarrow March – P77
Around Britain Derbyshire – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors Through Letters and Personal Writings and The Manchester Bantams – P89
30-minute Genealogist geneanet.org – P94
My Family Hero Glynis Haynes’ relative was a professional parachutist at the turn of the 20th century – P98

ISSUE 121 January 2017
On the record Dictionary reveals stories behind 45,600 surnames; More 1939 Register entries go online – P10
Off the record The history of Pontcysyllte Aqueduct – P14
Feature 50 hottest websites for 2017 – P17
Feature Finding Private Carter – P27
Feature Amanda Holden’s episode – P30
Past in Pictures Philip Davies: Lost England, 1870-1930 – P34
Reader Story Maureen Evans discovered some dark secrets involving Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive The Bromsgrovian, 1881-2016 – P50
Focus on Poor Law records – P52
How to... Transcribe your audio interviews – P58
Focus on Death duties – P61
Social Story Put up for adoption – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Absent voters lists, 1919 – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Nanny – P71
Eureka Moment After researching the wrong family for ten years, a chance find set Lorraine Tomlinson back on the right track – P74
Behind the Headlines 1865: Britain’s First Female Doctor– P77
Around Britain City of London – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Boer War Ancestors: Soldiers of a Forgotten War and Miss Weeton: Governess and Traveller – P89
30-minute Genealogist Historic Liverpool – P94
My Family Hero Tony Cole’s great 3x great grandfather saved a ship and all aboard – P98

On the record GRO reveals changes to digital services; ScotlandsPlaces records now free – P10
Off the record Festive place names – P14
Feature The Oaks Colliery Disaster – P17
Feature 12-Week Challenge: Part 3 – P25
Past in Pictures WW2 Christmas – P32
Reader Story Shirley Gibbs discovered that 15 members of her family vanished in a lifeboat disaster – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Tank Corps documents, WW1 – P48
Best websites Trade unions – P51
Focus on Land records – P54
How to... Connect RootsMagic with FamilySearch – P60
Celebrating Your Projects Caerphilly Miners’ Centre for the Community project – P62
Focus on Scottish nonconformists – P63
Social Story Hiring fairs – P66
My Ancestor Was A... Workhouse employee – P71
Eureka Moment When Godfrey Duffy picked up a book on Victorian crime, he was shocked to find one of his ancestors in its pages – P74
Behind the Headlines 1783: American Treaty of Independence – P77
Around Britain South Wales – P81
Reviews Includes The Servants’ Story and Cardiff in the Headlines – P89
30-minute Genealogist Measuring Worth – P94
My Family Hero Robin Richards’ ancestor was a sailor, a journalist and a minister – P98

On the record New ScotlandsPeople website launches online; DNA test “pinpoints British ancestry” – P10
Off the record Hull Holy Trinity Church – P14
Feature 12-Week Challenge: Part 2 – P17
Feature Children in the workhouse – P24
Past in Pictures Joseph Hardman: People on Film – P30
Reader Story David Atkinson stumbled upon a dark family secret around bonfire night when researching his Dorset roots – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Jersey Police photo album, 1901-1920 – P46
Best websites National Service – P49
Focus on Rural ancestors – P52
How to... Share family history news with Blogger – P58
Focus on WW1 courts martial – P61
Social Story Forgotten WW1 Land Girls – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Tweedsmuir Polish Resettlement Camp project – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Dentist – P71
Eureka Moment A chance discovery of an unknown relative in a Victorian photo led Liz Taylor to uncover a fascinating family showbiz connection – P74
Behind the Headlines 1829: The Rainhill Trials – P77
Around Britain Brighton – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Twentieth Century Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians and The Winchester: Legend of the West – P89
30-minute Genealogist Irish Civil records – P94
My Family Hero Karen Millie-James’ father escaped the Nazis on Kindertransport – P98

On the record Ireland’s BMD records now free online; New ScotlandsPeople site set to launch – P10
Off the record In-laws – P14
Feature 12-week Challenge: Part 1 – P17
Feature New WDYTYA? series preview – P25
Feature Trace your royal ancestors – P30
Reader Story Linda Quilley unearthed a graverobber in her family tree – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive War hospital magazine, 1918 – P46
Best websites Obscure occupations – P49
Focus on 19th-century Irish kin – P52
How to... Organise your photos with Adobe Bridge – P58
Focus on Napoleonic soldiers – P61
Social Story Cafe culture – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Clements Hall Local History Group’s WW1 Home Front project – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Fisherman – P71
Eureka Moment Lisa White searched for her ancestor for 10 years before an online forum came up trumps – P74
Behind the Headlines 1660: The Restoration – P77
Around Britain Newcastle – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your British and Irish Ancestors and The Royal Irish Constabulary: A Short History – P89
30-minute Genealogist New York censuses – P94
My Family Hero Richard Moore’s father was the proud recipient of the George Cross after defusing mines during the Second World War – P98

On the record Over 1.6 million nursing records hit the web; Free catalogues reveal Cambs gems – P10
Off the record Solving your daddy issues – P14
Feature Female criminals – P17
Feature Write your own family tree – P24
Feature War memorials – P29
Past in Pictures Churchill’s Navy – P32
Reader Story Beryl Stanley was sent a fascinating diary detailing her family’s adventure to Australia – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Birmingham Quakers image collection, 19th century – P48
Best websites Debtors and bankrupts – P51
Focus on Nursing records – P54
How to... Organise your search with Wunderlist – P60
Celebrating Your Projects Cambrai connections– P62
Focus on Rate books – P63
Social Story Trouble on the WW1 Home Front – P66
My Ancestor Was A... Dairy worker – P71
Eureka Moment Mark Peters was struggling to discover what happened to his Hong Kong ancestors, until Rupert Everett’s WDYTYA? took his breath away – P74
Behind the Headlines 1900: Birth of the Labour Party – P77
Around Britain Southampton – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Kent Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist Victoria probate records – P94
My Family Hero Robert Griffiths discovered a Civil War general in his family tree – P98

ISSUE 116 Summer 2016
On the record WW1 mapping tool launched online; Essex teens revamp popular website – P10
Off the record Richard III and DNA – P14
Feature New WDYTYA? series celebrities revealed – P17
Feature FamilySearch secrets – P21
Feature Bridging the ‘Commonwealth Gap’ – P26
Past in Pictures A Life on the Line – P30
Reader Story When Robert Gilchrist delved into the life of his daughter-in-law’s ancestor, he found a remarkable tale of a life lived on the edge – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Child emigrant file, 1909-1912 – P46
Best websites Forgotten taxation – P49
Focus on WW1 naval records – P52
How to... Record family history on your mobile – P58
Focus on Inquest records – P60
Social Story Victorian railway excursions – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Mickleham & Westhumble – P70
My Ancestor Was An... Engineer – P71
Eureka Moment Cheryl Nicol had a hunch that she was descended from the infamous Sir Berney Brograve. A 19th-century document cleared up that mystery – P74
Behind the Headlines 1752: The missing 11 days – P77
Around Britain Shropshire – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors Through County Records – P89
30-minute Genealogist Cornwall OPC – P94
My Family Hero Barbara Tilbury’s ancestor was banned from enlisting, but he joined a special regiment and became the equal of his brothers in arms – P98

ISSUE 115 August 2016
On the record First World War naval database launches; Web archive remembers US air heroes – P10
Off the record The evils of child labour – P14
Feature 10 top tips and tricks – P17
Feature Sporting ancestors – P23
Past in Pictures Photographs from the Front – P30
Reader Story Barclay Price has discovered colourful characters and famous names among his 19th-century Edinburgh ‘neighbours’ – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive The Finchley Manuals of Industry, No. 1, 1849 – P46
Best websites Evacuees – P49
Focus on WW1 battlefields – P52
How to... Get started with TreeView – P58
Focus on Scottish Valuation Rolls – P61
Social Story Industrial accidents and disability – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Somerset & Dorset FHS – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Prison worker – P71
Eureka Moment Michael Nadin’s search for his namesake ancestor revealed the tragic tale of a millworker who lived through the Lancashire Cotton Famine – P74
Behind the Headlines 1616: The death of Shakespeare – P77
Around Britain Isle of Man – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Edinburgh Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist London Lives – P94
My Family Hero Rachel Gerrard has found an important scientist in her family tree, who experimented with deadly plants to create essential drugs – P98

ISSUE 114 JULY 2016
On the record WW1 Red Cross project reaches completion; Researchers uncover mining disaster secrets – P10
Off the record Great Aunt Edith part two – P14
Feature Family tree builders – P16
Feature Georgian prostitutes – P25
Past in Pictures London: Portrait of a City – P30
Reader Story Iain Taylor uncovered generations of successful landscape painters in his tree – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Young Jewish refugees’ diary, 
1940 – P46
Best websites Regimental archives – P49
Focus on Dating photographs of children – P52
How to... Create a family history slideshow – P58
Focus on WW1 Red Cross volunteers – P61
Social Story WW1 cinema-going – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Cousland Smiddy – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Clergyman – P71
Eureka Moment Andy Caddick’s ancestor was a mystery until a relative helped reveal royal connections – P74
Behind the Headlines 1916: Battle of the Somme – P77
Around Britain Leeds – P81
Reviews Includes Unearthing Family Tree Mysteries – P89
30-minute Genealogist Deceased Online – P94
My Family Hero Jade Gill explores her Indian ancestry, including her remarkable grandmother – P98

ISSUE 113 JUNE 2016
On the record Easter Rising records revealed on the web; London archive faces uncertain future – P10
Off the record Great Aunt Edith’s disappearance – P14
Feature Parish registers – P16
Feature 300 years of the Royal Artillery – P25
Past in Pictures Horsham memories – P30
Reader Story Peter Hammond turned detective to uncover the lives of his Methodist kin – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Letter of tender for a roller mill plant, 1894 – P46
Best websites Estate records – P49
Focus on Overseas BMDs – P52
How to... Write a family history memoir – P58
Focus on The Police Gazette – P61
Social Story Preparing for the Battle of the Somme – P64
Celebrating Your Projects West Sussex Record Office probate inventories project – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Stonemason – P71
Eureka Moment Alan Fraser broke through a brick wall to discover a family tale of adultery, domestic abuse and illegitimacy – P74
Behind the Headlines 1858: Transatlantic telegraph cable laid – P77
Around Britain North London – P81
Reviews Includes TreeView: Premium Edition – P89
30-minute Genealogist Aberdeen and NE Scotland FHS – P94
My Family Hero Sarah Harding’s mother worked on Morse code at Bletchley Park – P98

ISSUE 112 MAY 2016
Off the record Ancestry adds trio of West Yorkshire collections; Volunteers help unlock access to wills – P10
On the record Finding Mancunian family on the 1939 Register – P14
Feature WW1 group photographs – P16
Feature False paternity – P24
Past in Pictures WW2 US airmen in Britain – P30
Reader Story Dean Kirby’s ancestors’ home was literally uncovered by archaeologists – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Welsh Methodist magazines, 1888-1967 – P46
Best websites War diaries – P49
Focus on 20th-century Irish records – P52
How to... Create a family history podcast – P58
Focus on Royal Navy records – P61
Social Story Victorian hydrotherapy – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Oswestry Cemetery burials – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Pawnbroker – P71
Eureka Moment Rachel Duerden finally tracked down her Victorian naval ancestor thanks to the help of TNA – P74
Behind the Headlines 1805: The death of Lord Nelson – P77
Around Britain West Midlands – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors Through Local History Records: A Guide for Family Historians – P89
30-minute Genealogist The Halifax Guardian archive – P94
My Family Hero Lesley Batt’s WW1 ancestor helped establish a famous club for his comrades – P98

ISSUE 111 APRIL 2016
On the record Irish Catholic record release now searchable; Family Tree Maker given a reprieve – P10
Off the record The arrival of electricity – P14
Feature Census records – P17
Feature WDYTYA? Live 2016 preview – P25
Past in Pictures The Lancaster Bomber – P30
Reader Story Carolyn Roberts uncovered a possible connection to the royal family – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Police record book, 1845-1887 – P46
Best websites Passenger lists – P49
Focus on Quarter Sessions records – P52
How to... Get the most from My Family Tree – P60
Focus on Tithe records – P63
Social Story Britain’s first bicycle boom – P66
Celebrating Your Projects Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service History Society – P72
My Ancestor Was A... Costermonger – P73
Eureka Moment A chance encounter with an American visitor unlocked a mystery for Laura Cox – P76
Behind the Headlines 1943: Alan Turing creates first electronic programmable computer – P79
Around Britain Pembrokeshire – P83
30-minute Genealogist New Zealand BMD records – P90
Reviews Includes Remember Them: Women’s Memories of 1946-1969 and How to Write Your Own – P91
My Family Hero Kathryn Webber’s great grandfather was a mining hero and campaigner – P98

ISSUE 110 March 2016
Off the record Norfolk parish records go online; WW1 Jewish stories to be saved on web – P10
On the record The magic of family reunions – P14
Feature Find missing births – P16
Feature The death of Family Tree Maker – P23
Past in Pictures 100 years of nursing – P28
Reader Story Maureen Jones tells the sad story of her Victorian ancestor’s suicide – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P36
Gem from the Archive Army Register of Recruits, 1915-20 – P44
Best websites Parish chest records – P47
Focus on French ancestors – P50
Focus on Medal rolls and medal index cards – P55
How to... Set up a WordPress blog – P58
Social Story Malthus and the population problem – P60
My Ancestor Was A... Millworker – P65
Eureka Moment A trip to Sweden broke down a brick wall for Jan Mulreany – P68
Celebrating Your Projects Malhamdale History Group – P70
Behind the Headlines 1703: The Great Storm – P71
Around Britain Manchester – P75
Reviews Includes The Railway Conquest of the World and Voices of the First World War: Merseyside’s War – P83
30-minute Genealogist Canadian Expeditionary Force service files – P88
My Family Hero Mark Dawson’s ancestor bravely survived persecution by the Nazis – P90

ISSUE 109 February 2016
On the record Ancestry to retire Family Tree Maker; Westland factory project takes off – P12
Off the record Pounds, shillings and pence – P16
Feature 25 reasons to visit the archives – P18
Feature John Archer’s ancestor and motor cars – P25
Past in Pictures Cornish memories – P30
Reader Story Dr David Mervin’s link to a famous American was a thrilling discovery – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Redding Pit disaster letters, 1923 – P46
Best websites 19th-century naval records – P49
Focus on Children’s homes – P52
How to... Clean up your family tree – P58
Focus on Freemasons records – P61
Social Story Bodysnatchers – P64
Celebrating Your Projects American Air Museum online – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Blacksmith – P71
Eureka Moment The 1911 census was a breakthrough for genealogist Robert Parker – P74
Behind the Headlines 1895: The birth of psychoanalysis – P77
Around Britain Aberdeenshire – P81
Reviews Includes Family First: Tracing Relationships in the Past and Irishmen in the Great War: Reports from the Front 1915 – P89
30-minute Genealogist Essex Archives Online (Seax) – P94
My Family Hero Wartime diaries revealed the father that Janet Denny never knew – P98

Off the record Ridge and furrow – P11
On the record Freemasonry records revealed online; Archives mark annual campaign – P14
Feature 50 family history sites to watch in 2016 – P19
Feature Add a generation to your tree – P29
Past in Pictures First World War on the Western Front – P34
Reader Story Ray and Diane McClure found family links to a much-loved Victorian comedian and composer – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive Great Siege of Gibraltar Diary, 1779-1781 – P50
Focus on Railway workers – P52
Feature Delving into DNA – P57
Focus on Suffragettes – P61
Social Story Mass Observation – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Knockaloe Camp – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Cabinet maker – P71
Eureka Moment... A sworn testament tore down a brick wall in Christa Stephens’s family tree – P74
Behind the Headlines 1801: General Enclosure Act – P77
Around Britain Herefordshire – P81
Reviews Includes Family History Web Directory: The Genealogical Websites You Can’t Do Without and Stitches in Time: The Story of the Clothes We Wear – P91
30-minute Genealogist Statistical Accounts of Scotland – P94
My Family Hero A spooky coincidence led to James Phillips-Evans encountering a WW1 ancestor – P98

On the record Genealogists gain web access to 1939 Register; Bright future for former PoW camp – P12
Off the record Choosing a favourite ancestor – P16
Feature The 1939 Register – P18
Feature Top 10 records from WDYTYA? 2015 – P25
Past in Pictures Christmas at department stores – P30
Reader Story Nicola Cooper’s research uncovered minstrels and Methodists – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Shetland lug-mark book, 19th century – P46
Best websites WW2 Blitz – P49
Focus on 18th-century ancestors – P52
Masterclass What to do when records run out – P58
Focus on Civilians honours and awards – P61
Social Story Christmas carols – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Ryedale Family History Group – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Seamstress – P71
Eureka Moment A private member tree solved Sally Meek’s mystery – P74
Behind the Headlines 1665: The Great Plague – P77
Around Britain Swansea – P81
Reviews Includes Mapping the Second World War and Worktown: The Astonishing Story of the Project that Launched Mass-Observation – P89
30-minute Genealogist FreeReg – P94
My Family Hero Sharon Newson’s ancestor was a pioneer of a pioneer of the blood transfusion service – P98

On the record 220 million voter records hit the web; Shipping project nears completion – P12
Off the record A stampede to Calgary – P16
Feature Behind the scenes on Mark Gatiss’s episode – P18
Feature Find your Ulster ancestors – P22
Feature Britain Remembers... revisited – P25
Past in Pictures Lee Miller: A Woman’s War – P30
Reader Story Dr Michael Barnish discovers the tangled lives of his ancestors – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive WI logbook, late 1940s – P46
Best websites Forgotten fronts of WW1 – P49
Focus on Electoral records – P52
Masterclass Using evidence to build a case (II) – P58
Focus on Scottish confirmation calendars – P61
Social Story Domestic servants – P65
Celebrating Your Projects Huguenot Museum – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Studio photographer – P71
Eureka Moment... Jill Wright solved the case of a missing fortune thanks to a will – P74
Behind the Headlines 1785: First edition of The Times – P77
Around Britain Glasgow – P81
Reviews Includes Canals: The Making of a Nation and The Iron Men: The Workers Who Created the New Iron Age – P89
30-minute Genealogist Chief Rabbi Office marriages – P94
My Family Hero John Watson’s ancestor became an Australian MP – P98

On the record WW2 prisoner of war records hit the web; Targets of Nazi ‘Black Book’ Revealed – P12
Off the record Tiny drops of royal blood – P16
Feature Behind the scenes on Anne Reid’s episode – P18
Feature Find your Australian convict ancestors – P22
Feature Are you descended from nobility? – P25
Past in Pictures Merseyside memories – P30
Reader Story Robert Ward discovered a criminal dynasty in his family tree – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Isle of Man volunteer cavalry list, 1799 – P46
Best websites Free books – P49
Focus on Chancery Court records – P52
Masterclass Using evidence to build a case (I) – P58
Focus on Irish Roman Catholic parish registers – P61
Social Story Gardening clubs and societies – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Sacrament certificates – P70
My Ancestor Was An... Undertaker – P71
Eureka Moment A hint on the WDYTYA? Magazine Forum helped solve Lynne Ludlow’s mystery – P74
Behind the Headlines 1925: John Logie Baird turns on television – P77
Around Britain Northamptonshire – P81
Reviews Includes The Railways: Nation, Network and People and 10 Greatest Ships of the Royal Navy – P89
30-minute Genealogist Scottish wills – P94
My Family Hero Sue Browell’s ancestors survived the Stargate Colliery explosion – P98

On the record Ancestry unveils new-look website; Herefordshire archive opens its doors – P12
Off the record The dearly departed – P16
Feature Behind the scenes on Jane Seymour’s episode – P18
Feature Irish research – P25
Past in Pictures Picturing England: The Photographic Collections of Historic England – P30
Reader Story Vivien Concannon’s kin thrilled crowds as celebrated tightrope walkers – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Croydon air raid letter, 1915 – P46
Best websites FIshermen and fishing communities – P49
Focus on Criminal records – P52
Masterclass Discover pre-1837 sources – P58
Focus on Merchant Navy crew lists and agreements – P61
Social Story 100 years of the Women’s Institute – P64
Celebrating Your Projects 100 Faces, 100 Stories – P70
My Ancestor Was A... Watch and clockmaker – P71
Eureka Moment... Jackie Dinnis used street directories to find her ancestors in Brighton – P74
Behind the Headlines 1915: The Battle of Loos – P77
Around Britain County Durham – P81
Reviews Includes The Codebreakers – P89
30-minute Genealogist The Ryerson Index – P94
My Family Hero Ann Kissane’s ancestor Michael Keane escaped poverty in County Kerry to become a celebrated statesman in India – P98

On the record Irish parish registers online for first time; Volunteers help reveal WW1 crew lists – P12
Off the record Shameful secret in the archives – P16
Feature New series preview – P19
Feature Give your research the WDYTYA? treatment – P27
Past in Pictures Blitzed Brits exhibition at IWM North – P32
Reader Story Sheila Bligh’s ancestor began a new life Down Under – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Heralds’ visitation book, 16th century – P48
Best websites Second World War PoWs – P51
Masterclass Dealing with same-name candidates – P54
Focus on Nonconformists – P56
Focus on Vaccination registers – P61
Social Story The Women’s Royal Naval Service – P65
My Ancestor Was A... Potter – P69
Eureka Moment Caroline Hill solved a mystery thanks to a WDYTYA? Magazine letter – P74
Celebrating Your Projects Jamaican Family Search – P76
Behind the Headlines 1850: Public Libraries Act – P77
Around Britain Bedfordshire – P81
Reviews Includes London Lives: Poverty, Crime and the Making of a Modern City, 1690-1800 – P89
30-minute Genealogist findagrave.com – P94
My Family Hero Adrian Hoare’s ancestor caught one of the men who plotted Abraham Lincoln’s assassination – P98

ISSUE 102 August 2015
On the record Web records reveal Waterloo heroes; Railway employee records go online – P10
Off the record When the dating game goes awry – P16
Feature Meet the celebrities: meet the cast of the next series – P19
Feature Death records – P23
Past in Pictures The photos of Christina Broom– P28
Reader Story An explosion outside a Victorian prison had a devastating effect on Anita Horne’s forebears – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P36
Gem from the Archive Map of the Manor of Dringhouses, 1624-29– P44
Best websites Family History Forums – P47
Masterclass Understanding gaps in parish registers – P50
Focus on American Records – P52
Focus on Land Registry Digital Archive – P61
Social Story First World War fatherhood – P64
Celebrating Your Projects The Jerome Gatehouse Collection – P68
My Ancestor Was A... Milliner – P71
Eureka Moment... Vivienne Luke broke down a brick wall when she discovered an ancestors signature was the key to his identity- P74
Behind the Headlines 1908: Old Age Pensions Act – P77
Around Britain Nottinghamshire – P81
Reviews Includes World War II: The Definitive Guide from Blitzkreig to Hiroshima – P91
30-minute Genealogist Digitised Welsh Wills – P94
My Family Hero Anne Louise-Jones’ great great aunt Eva Woodthorpe was a brave suffragette – P98

ISSUE 101 July 2015
On the record Irish workhouse records hit the web; West Yorkshire workers revealed– P10
Off the record Unspoken Stories – P14
Feature Marriage records: tips on tricky couplings – P17
Feature Women in Uniform – P22
Past in Pictures Postcards of Bristol – P28
Reader Story Lynne Dixon and Pam Smith find abuse, scandal and suicide in their family history – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P36
Gem from the Archive Caernarfon Quarter Sessions record, 1566 – P44
Best websites The Battle of Britain – P47
Focus on Lunatic asylum records– P50
Focus on Muster rolls – P59
Social Story Salvation Army – P62
Celebrating Your Projects Preservation on local shops and businesses web project – P68
My Ancestor Was A... Candlemaker – P71
Eureka Moment Richard Frost discovers his 3x great grandparents’ family were left devastated by an accident – P74
Behind the Headlines 1815 The Battle of Waterloo – P77
Around Britain East Riding of Yorkshire – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Welsh Ancestors and Liverpool Pals – P91
30-minute Genealogist Historic Maps – P94
My Family Hero Dr David Moore’s 3x great grandfather Thomas Christie risked his life in battle 200 years ago – P98

ISSUE 100 JUNE 2015
On the record Genealogists flock to WDYTYA? Live in Birmingham; Surrey WW1 project launches – P10
Off the record The good old days? – P14
Feature 100 best free online resources – P17
Feature 24 hours in the past – P28
Past in Pictures Dogs in the First World War – P30
Reader Story Paul Sibbald searched his grandmother’s Shetland ancestry and found a possible link to a literary giant – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Rugby League players register, 
1906-07 – P46
Best websites Napoleonic Wars – P49
Focus on Newspapers – P52
Focus on Justices of the Peace & Petty Sessions – P59
Social Story Temperance women – P62
Celebrating Your Projects The Jerome Gatehouse Collection – P68
My Ancestor Was A... Printer – P71
Eureka Moment... Jean Dixon unearthed a scandalous and long-buried secret when researching her ancestor – P74
Behind the Headlines 1890: Forth Bridge opened – P77
Around Britain Sussex – P81
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors through Death Records (2nd Edition) and Tracing Your Trade and Craftsmen Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist England’s Immigrants – P94
My Family Hero Jennifer Hobhouse Balme’s great aunt Emily Hobhouse devoted her life to campaigning for peace – P98

ISSUE 99 MAY 2015
On the record School records collection grows; Faces of occupied Jersey revealed – P10
Off the record Rehoming a reptile – P14
Feature 20 tips for finding missing ancestors – P17
Feature Gallipoli – P22
Past in Pictures Railways in the First World War – P30
Reader Story After unravelling his grandfather’s identity, Mark Dawson discovered a decorated soldier and early colonists – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive 17th century consistory court papers – P48
Best websites Metal workers – P49
Focus on Shipwrecks – P52
Focus on Poll books – P59
Social Story Country markets – P62
Celebrating Your Projects Jewellery Quarter Research Trust – P68
My Ancestor Was A... Butcher – P71
Eureka Moment How Claire Brown resolved a tricky surname problem in her family tree – P74
Behind the Headlines 1945: VE Day – P77
Around Britain Black Country – P81
Reviews Includes RootsMagic 7 and My Ancestor was a Lunatic – P91
30-minute Genealogist Ordering a will online – P94
My Family Hero Pat Hews’ father Adolphous Richard Cooper was a WW2 spy – P98

ISSUE 98 April 2015
On the record Amendment paves way for BMD changes; World’s endangered records go online – P10
Off the record Curious classifieds – P14
Feature Pre-1837 records – P17
Feature The DNA revolution – P25
Past in Pictures Britain’s wartime milkmen – P30
Reader Story Roy Kneath was amazed to find his wife had circus performers in the family – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Tyne flood relief papers, 1770s – P46
Feature WDYTYA? Live 2015 preview – P49
Best websites Aristocratic ancestors – P57
Focus on Tax records – P60
Focus on Churchwardens’ accounts – P69
Social Story Victorian surgery – P72
Celebrating Your Projects Llanhilleth Heritage Centre – P78
Local Industries Gunpowder manufacturers of Kent – P79
Eureka Moment Jeffrey Taylor broke through a research brick wall to find a suicide in the family – P82
Behind the Headlines 1831: Faraday shocks the world – P85
Around Britain Dorset – P89
Reviews Includes Tracing Your Ancestors’ Parish Records and The WI: A Centenary History – P97
30-minute Genealogist Ancestry passenger lists – P102
My Family Hero Alex Foot is proud to have found the remarkable novelist and pamphleteer Daniel Defoe in his family tree – P106

ISSUE 97 March 2015
On the record TheGenealogist adds tithe maps collection; Soldiers’ final effects revealed online – P10
Off the record Male bias is a thing of the past – P14
Feature Go beyond the census – P17
Feature London’s hearth tax records – P23
Feature Preserve your archive – P27
Past in Pictures Salt and Silver: Early Photography – P32
Reader Story Christine Searle traces her ancestors back to 14th-century Scotland – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Hampshire mariner’s manuscripts, 1796-1814 – P48
Best websites Brewers and publicans – P51
Focus on Poor Law records – P54
Focus on Trade unions – P61
Social Story Lifeboatmen – P64
Celebrating Your Projects Bevendean History Project – P70
Local Industries Railway engineers of Crewe – P71
Eureka Moment Liz McPherson used a DNA test to reveal details about her great great grandfather – P74
Behind the Headlines 1906: San Francisco Earthquake – P77
Around Britain Mid Wales – P81
Reviews Includes Family Historian 6 and A History of Adoption in England and Wales – P89
30-minute Genealogist Get more from FreeREG – P94
My Family Hero Robert Campbell’s forebear Stephen L’Africain survived a shipwreck to become a soldier, adventurer and trader – P98

ISSUE 96 February 2015
On the record Findmypast releases trade union records; Irish Catholic records to be digitised – P10
Off the record The dawn of the railway age – P14
Feature How to find parish registers online – P17
Feature Mapping your family – P24
Past in Pictures Circuses: The Greatest Show on Earth – P30
Reader Story Peter Stevens’s ancestor was convicted of arson in his parish – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Jewish records from WW1 Glasgow – P46
Best websites Agricultural and Rural Workers – P49
Focus on Royal Navy – P52
Focus on Phone Books – P59
Social Story Bread Riots – P62
Celebrating Your Projects The legacy of Dr John Langdon Down – P68
Local Industries Tile-Makers of Somerset – P71
Eureka Moment Linda Brookes tells us how she broke through an 18-year brick wall on the marriage of her great grandparents – P74
Behind the Headlines 1885: Age of consent is raised to 16 – P77
Around Britain Tyne & Wear – P81
Reviews Voyages from the Past: A History of Passengers at Sea – P89
30-minute Genealogist How to use the FIBIS website – P94
My Family Hero Susan Rose’s great aunt Evelyn Pike made a real mark on the nursing profession – P98

ISSUE 95 January 2015
On the record New wills service launches online; Outcry over cuts to IWM library – P10
Off the record Friends organisations – P14
Feature 50 Family History sites to watch in 2015 – P17
Feature Start your Family Tree for the New Year – P24
Past in Pictures Britons unite in the Second World War – P32
Reader Story John Morris uncovers the story of his grandfather, a Pow in WW1 – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Swansea Board of Health Maps, 1851 – P48
Best websites One-Name Studies – P51
Focus on House History – P54
Focus on Debtors’ Prisons – P59
Social Story Canada’s Railway Migrants – P62
Celebrating Your Projects Alan Crosby looks at links between Scotland and the Flemish – P68
Local Industries Cornish Metal Miners – P71
Eureka Moment Elizabeth Lual uncovers a hidden adoption in the family and an ancestor confined to a lunatic asylum – P74
Behind the Headlines 1940: Churchill becomes PM – P77
Around Britain Argyll & Bute – P81
Reviews Writing Your Family History: A Guide for Family Historians – P89
30-minute Genealogist Trawl through newspaper reports using the ConnectedHistories website – P94
My Family Hero James Parkinson discovered the deadly condition which later bore his name – P98

On the record Red Cross releases WW1 volunteer records; Mental health records to go online – P10
Off the record Divorce in the 1800s – P14
Feature FamilySearch – P17
Feature Competition winner spends a day with the Who Do You Think You Are? genealogist – P24
Feature Performers in the 19th century – P27
Past in Pictures 160 years of life in Lewes, East Sussex – P32
Reader Story Jane Spencer’s18th-century heirloom helped unearth family tragedy – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive East End midwife’s casebook, 1850-1875 – P48
Best websites Italian ancestors – P51
Focus on Marriage records – P54
Focus on The Summary Courts of the City of London – P59
Social Story Christmas in the trenches – P63
Your Projects Wiltshire’s wartime past – P70
Local Industries Brass-makers of Birmingham – P71
Eureka Moment – An online message board helped Sarah Armstrong uncover her ancestor’s troubled life – P74
Behind the Headlines 1836: The Lewes Avalanche – P77
Around Britain Somerset – P81
Reviews Including Common People: A History of an English Family – P89
30-minute Genealogist Bristish industrial history – P94
My Family Hero Roger Gosling’s ancestor rose from convict to the richest man in the colony – P98

On the record WW1 medical records revealed for the first time; Adoption rule change to aid researchers – P10
Off the record Battles between England and France – P14
Feature Wills – P17
Feature Booth’s Poverty Survey of London – P25
Past in Pictures Sport in London – P30
Reader Story Lorna Conaghan’s family member went from football legend to convict – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Police charge book, 1881-96 – P46
Best websites Navy in the First World War– P49
Focus on School records – P52
How to First World War trench maps P58
Focus on Trade directories – P61
Social Story Conscientious objectors – P64
Your Projects Tilty during the Second World War – P70
Local Industries Needle-makers of Redditch – P71
Eureka Moment – A newspaper article helped Amos Bannister solve the mystery of a tragic death – P74
Behind the Headlines 1871: Dr Livingstone found – P77
Around Britain Staffordshire – P81
Reviews Including Census: The Family Historian’s Guide (2nd edition) and Secrets of The National Archives – P89
30-minute Genealogist Irish Bureau of Military History – P94
My Family Hero Peter Clarke’s uncle took part in the world’s first carrier strike, the Cuxhaven Raid – P98

ISSUE 92 October 2014
On the record Millions of school records hit Findmypast; New boost for Herefordshire munitions campaign – P10
Off the record Glasses – P14
Feature Subscription websites tried and tested – P17
Feature Celebrating 10 years of WDYTYA? – P29
Past in Pictures The First World War in Colour – P32
Reader Story Both of Dave Hutchings’ grandfathers met tragic ends – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Military Service Tribunal Records, 1916-1918 – P48
Best websites British in India – P51
Focus on First World War PoWs – P54
Focus on Thames Marine Police – P61
Social Story Milk – P64
Your Projects Bath Abbey oral history – P70
Local Industries Calico printers of Lancashire – P71
Eureka Moment – The WDYTYA? Forum solved Marlene Dance’s mystery – P74
Behind the Headlines 1929: The Wall Street Crash – P77
Around Britain Somerset – P81
Reviews Including Ancestors on the Move – P89
30-minute Genealogist Irish newspapers – P94
My Family Hero Carole Lewis’ ancestor was born into poverty and suffered cruel punishment, but turned his life around – P98

On the record Prisoners of the First World War revealed; New Zealand service files go online – P10
Off the record Ancestors on the move – P14
Feature Researching Scottish ancestors – P17
Feature The Post Office Rifles in WW1 – P25
Feature Get more from local archives – P31
Past in Pictures Edinburgh in the 1950s – P34
Reader Story Blair Southerden’s Parsi ancestor was a celebrated engineer in India – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive Air raid lost and found book – P50
Best websites Territorial Army – P53
Focus on WW1 RAF – P56
Focus on Parish emigration – P61
Social Story Child chimney sweeps – P64
Your Projects The 1910 Domesday project – P70
Local Industries Whisky distillers of the Highlands and Islands – P71
Eureka Moment – Beryl Robinson uncovered the tale of a mysterious Victorian death – P74
Behind the Headlines 1707: The Act of Union – P77
Around Britain North Yorkshire – P81
Reviews Including Who Do You Think You Are? The Genealogy Handbook – P89
30-minute Genealogist 19th-century photographers – P94
My Family Hero James Phillip-Evans’ ancestor was a great social reformer – P98

ISSUE 90 Summer 2014
On the record Findmypast reveals flying forebears; Isle of Jura project scoops award – P10
Off the record Flint – P14
Feature WDYTYA? Series 11 preview – P17
Past in Pictures Preston in the First World War – P26
Reader Story Anne Perkins uncovered a suspicious death in an asylum – P28
Feature Oxford Dictionary of National Biography – P33
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Jewish refugee casebook, c1938 – P46
Best websites 18th-century ancestors – P49
Focus on Canal boat ancestors – P52
Focus on Teachers – P59
Social Story Adulterated food – P62
Your Projects The Great Fen project – P68
Local Industries Tobacco workers of Bristol – P71
Eureka Moment – Canadian photos broke down Lesley Grundy’s brick wall – P74
Behind the Headlines 1851: The Great Exhibition opens – P77
Around Britain Mid and West Lothian – P81
Reviews Including The First World War on the Home 
Front – P89
30-minute Genealogist Tasmania convict index – P94
My Family Hero Denise Ward’s ancestor was a groundbreaking feminist lawyer – P98

On the record Imperial War Museum reopens; Call to update marriage certificates – P10
Off the record Norfolk’s best churches – P14
Feature New WDYTYA? celebrities revealed – P17
Feature WDYTYA? Live Scotland preview – P21
Feature Making the most of family photos – P25
Past in Pictures WW1 in Bradford – P32
Reader Story Maureen Musson’s ancestors had a dramatic change of fortune – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Inspector of the Poor’s letter books 1864-76 – P48
Best websites Railway ancestors – P51
Focus on WW1 Merchant Navy – P54
Focus on Medical ancestors – P61
Social Story Board schools – P65
Your Projects Library of Innerpeffray – P70
Local Industries Tinplate workers of South Wales – P71
Eureka Moment – A chance search on a maritime website helped Tony Berry find an ancestor – P74
Behind the Headlines 1910: Dr Crippen apprehended – P77
Around Britain Birmingham – P81
Reviews Including Peace and War: Britain in 1914 – P89
30-minute Genealogist Royal Navy officers – P94
My Family Hero Patsy Trench’s 4 x great grandmother emigrated to the Australian wilderness – P98

ISSUE 88 JULY 2014
On the record Record sets reveal West Yorkshire rogues; Exhibition to tell Bannockburn story – P10
Off the record Legacy of a global conflict – P14
Feature Find WW1 ancestors – P16
Feature Your favourite WDYTYA? episode – P26
Feature Visit WW1 battlefields – P29
Feature 10 hidden resources not to be missed – P35
Feature Women in India – P41
Past in Pictures Postal workers of WW1 – P46
Reader Story A letter revealed a poignant human story behind the Western Front for Dr David Moore – P48
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P54
Gem from the Archive Guild minute book, 1600s – P62
Best websites Jewish ancestors – P65
Focus on Asylums – P68
How to... Use Lives of the First World War – P74
Focus on Literary ancestors – P77
Social Story Canary girls – P80
Your Projects Oxfordshire FHS wins journal prize – P86
Local Industries Walsall saddle-makers – P87
Eureka Moment – Paul Kelly solves a name problem – P90
Behind the Headlines 1864: The Great Sheffield Flood – P93
Around Britain Essex – P97
Reviews Including Tracing Your Jewish Ancestors – P105
30-minute Genealogist Scottish directories – P110
My Family Hero David Mervin’s WW1 kin – P114

ISSUE 87 JUNE 2014
On the record Manchester nonconformist records hit Ancestry.co.uk; Top-secret WW1 files revealed – P10
Off the record Help from the Home Front – P14
Feature Apps for family historians – P17
Feature 10 tips for finding death records – P23
Past in Pictures London buses during WW1 – P28
Reader Story Glynis Markham’s research revealed the actual car her ancestor raced in the early 1900s – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P36
Gem from the Archive Almshouse register, 1586-1866 – P44
Best websites Theatre records – P47
Focus on Criminal records – P50
How to... Use Evernote to organise your files – P56
Focus on Trinity House petitions – P59
Social Story London’s dustmen – P62
Your Projects Muslim burial ground – P68
Local Industries Clyde ship-workers – P71
Eureka Moment – Sarah Taplin Walker unravelled the mystery of her shipwrecked ancestor – P74
Behind the Headlines 1895: Oscar Wilde convicted – P77
Around Britain Cambridgeshire – P81
Reviews Including My Ancestor was in the Royal Navy – P89
30-minute Genealogist Clergy database – P94
My Family Hero Janet Jones’s ancestor emigrated to the US to join the Mormons – P98

ISSUE 86 MAY 2014
On the record Northern Ireland BMDs go online;
Ordnance Survey maps go digital – P10
Off the record Victorian genealogists and cricket – P14
Feature Get more from free websites – P16
Feature First World War projects – P23
Past in Pictures The Emerald Isle in turmoil – P28
Reader Story Derek Penrose’s ancestor survived a 
brutally cold winter in Canada – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P36
Gem from the Archive Servants’ wages book, 1800s – P44
Best Websites Police ancestors – P47
Focus On Parish records – P50
How to... Back up and share with OneDrive – P56
Focus On Absent voters – P59
Social Story Lodging houses – P62
Your Projects Dukesfield Smelters project – P68
Local Industries Macclesfield silk weavers – P71
Eureka Moment Tom Hayes’ discovery reveals a tragic family story and some heroic acts – P74
Behind the Headlines 1814: Napoleon exiled to Elba – P77
Around Britain West Yorkshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Air Force Ancestors (second edition) and Glasgow: A History – P89
30-minute Genealogist Welsh newspapers – P94
My Family Hero John Swynfen lived through the Great 
Fire of London and a king’s execution – P98

On the record Tithe records added to TheGenealogist; Family historians unite for WDYTYA? Live – P10
Off the record Black sheep in the family – P14
Feature 10 tips for finding missing ancestors – P17
Feature Tithe maps – P24
Past in Pictures The North West during WW1 – P30
Reader Story Linda Brookes solves the mystery of a relative’s curious career change – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Prosecution papers, 1870 – P46
Best websites Coal mining – P49
Focus on Scottish marriages – P52
How to... Add sources to your family tree – P58
Focus on War diaries – P61
Social Story Morality in the dock – P64
Your Projects Experience Ashbourne – P68
Local Industries Dundee jute makers – P71
Eureka Moment – Jenni Dobson’s breakthrough revealed her grandfather’s WW1 experiences – P74
Behind the Headlines 1956: The invasion of Suez – P77
Around Britain West London – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Family History on the Internet (Second Edition) – P89
30-minute Genealogist Find out whether your ancestor owned slaves – P94
My Family Hero Nancy Atkinson’s grandfather was one of Jamaica’s finest sons – P98

ISSUE 84 March 2014
On the record Over 2.5 million British India records go online; Unit diaries reveal WW1 experiences – P10
Off the record House history – P14
Feature Crowdsourcing – P17
Feature British India – P22
Feature Home Front heroes – P28
Past in Pictures 150 years of the Co-op movement – P30
Reader Story Angela Aldridge-Tucker’s ancestor survived 
a shipwreck and an earthquake – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Pauper’s letters, early 1800s – P46
Best Websites Nonconformists – P49
Focus On Freemasons – P52
Focus On Foundling Hospital – P61
Social Story Spa Fields Burial Ground – P64
Your Projects Mill Road History Project – P70
Local Industries Kidderminster carpet-makers – P71
Eureka Moment Myra Lawson’s African adventure – P74
Behind the Headlines 1900: The Relief of Mafeking – P77
Around Britain East London – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Coalmining Ancestors 
and Heredis 2014 for Windows – P89
30-minute Genealogist Criminal registers – P94
My Family Hero The grandfather of Barry Rees survived Gallipoli, the Somme and the Blitz – P98

On the record Website reveals Wales during WW1; British Library uploads images to Flickr – P10
Off the record The cost of cuts to archives – P14
Feature 25 Expert Search Tips – P17
Feature Jewish Bradford – P23
Feature Sudden Death – P28
Past in Pictures Coalmining – P30
Reader Story Stephen Lally discovers a tale of murder and insanity in his family – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Land Tax Assessments, 1786-1831 – P46
Best Websites Royal Air Force – P49
Focus on Apprentices – P52
Focus on Youth Movements – P61
Social Story Friendly Societies – P61
Your Projects St Helens Pals – P70
Local Industries Wycombe chairmakers – P71
Eureka Moment How a single newspaper clipping solved a 15-year mystery for Trevor Escott – P74
Behind the Headlines 1840: New Zealand is annexed – P77
Around Britain Leicestershire & Rutland – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Ancestors through Family Photographs and London’s Rubbish – P89
30-minute Genealogist Overseas passenger lists – P94
My Family Hero Steve Taylor’s great grandfather gave his life to save a drowning girl – P98

On the record Explore Your Archive campaign launches; The Keep opens doors to researchers – P10
Off the record How far back can you go? – P14
Feature 50 websites to watch in 2014 – P17
Feature Get more from the WDYTYA? Live – P26
Feature Get started on your family tree – P29
Past in Pictures Hampshire’s coastline – P32
Reader Story Antonia Alexander’s chilling link to the 
final victim of Jack the Ripper – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Sexton’s notebooks, 1802-1933 – P48
Best Websites Newspapers – P51
Focus on Births in Scotland – P54
Focus on Hearth Tax – P59
Social Story Illegitimacy – P62
Your Projects Clipstone Camp – P68
Local Industries Gloucestershire wool – P71
Eureka Moment - Aidan Goodall and the mystery of the missing census page – P74
Behind the Headlines 1720: The South Sea Bubble Bursts – P77
Around Britain Cornwall – P81
Reviews Including Fighting on the Home Front and Ate the Dog Yesterday – P89
30-minute Genealogist Irish census records – P94
My Family Hero Graham Seymour’s ancestor risked his life for famine victims – P98

ISSUE 81 Christmas 2013
On the record FamilySearch launches new collaborative projects; London’s Pulse goes live – P10
Off the record Christmas pudding – P14
Feature Getting the most from Parish Registers – P16
Feature Get more from the WDYTYA? Forum – P25
Past in Pictures The whalers of Dundee – P30
Reader Story A mystery wedding led Michael Burke on an astonishing family history journey – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Workhouse journal, 1870s – P46
Best Websites Gypsy and Traveller Records – P49
Focus on Postcards from the past – P53
Focus on School Registers – P59
Social Story Christmas A-Z – P62
Your Projects Castleton and Hope societies join forces – P68
Local Industries Worcestershire potters – P71
Eureka Moment – Anne Grimshaw’s links to the celebrated Rochdale Pioneers includes an ancestor named after a political figure in Italy – P74
Behind the Headlines 1894: Blackpool Tower opens – P77
Around Britain Oxfordshire – P81
Reviews Including Family Tree Maker 2014 and Great Britain’s Great War – P89
30-minute Genealogist Find out whether your ancestor went bankrupt in the London Gazette – P94
My Family Hero Sue Moorcroft and her links to the Thornton family of chocolatiers – P98

On the record Birmingham Collection added to Ancestry.co.uk; Genealogists join the census debate – P10
Off the record Memories of my grandfather-in-law – P14
Feature Family History Centres – P17
Feature WW2 GI Brides – P22
Past in Pictures Great War Fashion – P28
Reader Story Heather Campbell’s ancestor carved out a new life on the American frontier – P30
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P36
Gem from the Archive Congregationalist minute book, 1800s – P44
Best Websites Nelson’s Navy – P47
Focus on Death in Scotland – P50
How To Family Tree Mapping – P56
Focus on Lying-in Hospitals – P59
Social Story Prostitution – P62
Your Projects Castleton Lanterns – P68
Local Industries Stockport hatters – P71
Eureka Moment - How I broke my brick wall thanks to the marriage of a single mother and a vagabond – P74
Behind the Headlines 1832: The Great Reform Bill – P77
Around Britain Hampshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Ancestors Using the Census and Nanny Knows Best – P89
30-minute Genealogist Probate Calendar – P94
My Family Hero Was David Brown’s ancestor the inspiration for Frankenstein? – P98

On the record WW1 wills go online; Society for One-Place Studies launches – P10
Off the record Britain’s worst coal mining disaster – P14
Feature Migration – P16
Feature Series 10 in 10 documents – P23
Feature Surnames – P29
Past in Pictures 100 years of Sheffield stainless steel – P32
Reader Story Alan Harrington’s family research reveals the differing fortunes of an asylum inmate and an apothecary – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive First World War telegrams, 1916 – P48
Best Websites Northern Ireland – P51
Focus on Library of Birmingham – P54
Focus on Manorial rolls – P59
Social Story 150 years of the Co-op – P62
Your Projects Balsall Heath Family History Society – P68
Local Industries Devon lacemakers – P71
Eureka Moment - Rosemary Hannah used a family bible to help trace her ancestors – P74
Behind the Headlines 1861: The death of Prince Albert – P77
Around Britain North Wales – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Ancestors’ Childhood and Georgian London – P90
30-minute Genealogist Merchant Navy crew lists – P94
My Family Hero Jessica Markwell’s ancestor was a pioneer for racial equality in Africa – P98

On the record Library of Birmingham unveiled; Lowestoft Living Archive launches – P10
Off the record The benefits of parchment – P14
Feature 100 free websites – P17
Feature Minnie Driver – P24
Past in Pictures BT Digital Archives – P30
Reader Story Sarah Smith’s German ancestry – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Clerkenwell Relief Books, 1860s – P46
Best Websites Canadian resources – P49
Focus on Causes of death – P52
Focus on Soldiers’ wills – P59
Social Story Victorian charities – P62
Your Projects Raglanpedia – P68
Local Industries Black Country chainmakers – P71
Eureka Moment Anne Sherman discovers why her ancestors seemed to disappear from all records – P74
Behind the Headlines 1824: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded – P77
Around Britain Suffolk – P81
Reviews Including Empire of the Deep, How to Trace your Family Tree and What’s in a Surname? – P89
30-minute Genealogist National Register of Archives – P94
My Family Hero Beverley Eikli’s ancestor was the only British prime minister to be assassinated – P98

ISSUE 77 September 2013
On the record London cemetery records available online; Free folk music and dance digital archive – P10
Off the record Ancestors’ accents – P14
Feature 10 best family tree builders – P17
Feature Una Stubbs – P24
Past in Pictures West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum – P30
Reader Story Kate Mears’ maritime chest– P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Policeman’s notebook, 1892 – P46
Best Websites Poor Law records – P49
Focus on The National Archives – P52
Focus on Naval next-of-kin claims – P57
Social Story Victorian industrial schools – P60
Your Projects Redditch local history – P66
Local Industries Kent hop pickers – P69
Eureka Moment Lauren and Karen Godfrey’s family Bible helped break down a brick wall – P72
Behind the Headlines 1951: The Festival of Britain – P75
Around Britain East Lothian – P79
Reviews Including Who Do You Think You Are? Series Nine and Iron, Steam and Money– P88
30-minute Genealogist West Yorkshire Marriages – P92
My Family Hero... Was England’s first female doctor and a pioneer of medicine – P98

On the record Engineers’ records now available on Ancestry.co.uk; Irish geneologists present Obama research – P10
Off the record Alan Crosby catches up with long-lost relatives from overseas P14
Feature New series preview – P17
Feature 50 military websites – P23
Feature Royal Births – P33
Past in Pictures Making cars at Cowley– P38
Reader Story Peter Soulsby uncovers a criminal dynasty of his past – P40
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P46
Gem from the Archive Consett Iron Company Pension Records, 1918-1960 – P54
Best Websites Coroner’s reports – P57
Focus on Free online libraries – P60
Focus on Irish valuation revisions– P65
Social Story The history of wash-houses – P68
Local Industries Welsh slate miners– P73
Behind the Headlines 1755: The year that saw the publication of Johnson’s English Dictionary – P77
Around Britain Cumbria – P81
Reviews Including Jewish Lives: Britain 1750-1950 and Steaming to Victory – P89
30-minute Genealogist Australia’s National Archives - P94
My Family Hero... Took part in the real Great Escape from Stalag Luft III – P98

ISSUE 75 July 2013
On the record Lives of the First World War website; Plymouth researchers crack wartime code – P10
Off the record Scots in the American Civil War P14
Feature Finding wills – P17
Feature Inside the workhouse – P25
Past in Pictures American servicemen in Britain during WW2 – P36
Reader Story Laura Doyle uncovers a scandal involving emigration to New Zealand – P38
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P44
Gem from the Archive Library borrowers’ book from Quarry Bank Mill, 1900s – P52
Best Websites Women’s suffrage – P56
Focus on Nonconformists – P58
Focus on Scottish Retours – P63
Social Story Sewing Bees – P66
Your Projects Pembroke and Monkton LHS – P72
Local Industries Framework knitters – P73
Behind the Headlines 1873: The year that Girton College, Cambridge, opened – P77
Around Britain Gloucestershire – P81
Reviews Including How Our Ancestors Died and Deserter – P89
30-minute Genealogist Search for your Trafalgar ancestors- P94
My Family Hero... Braved a house fire saving lives and met Gandhi – P98

ISSUE 74 June 2013
On the record FamilySearch unveils new web features; Irish property records go online – P10
Off the record Visitors on census returns – P14
Feature Breaking down brick walls – P17
Feature Crime and punishment – P25
Past in Pictures Railway workers – P32
Reader Story Debbie Box discovers similarities between her ancestors and the characters of Les Misérables – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Ipswich Prison register, 1897-99 – P48
Best Websites Slavery – P51
Focus on The Second Boer War – P54
Focus on The National Farm Survey – P61
Social Story WRVS in the Second World War – P64
Your Projects Anglo-Italian Family History Society – P70
Local Industries Burton-on-Trent Brewers – P71
Making History The canine wartime adventures of Airedale Jack – P75
Behind the Headlines 1856: Britain attacks China – P77
Around Britain Devon – P81
Reviews Including Tracing your Irish Family History on the Internet, England and the Aeroplane and Tracing Your House History – P89
30-minute Genealogist Kresy-Siberia Foundation – P94
My Family Hero... Made a daring escape from Hong Kong during the Second World War – P98

ISSUE 73 MAY 2013
On the record Welsh newspaper website launches; IWM sound recordings go digital – P10
Off the record Exploring unusual forenames – P14
Feature Missing BMDS – P17
Feature Modern records – P25
Past in Pictures The fishing heritage of the Exe Estuary – P32
Reader Story John Gardiner discovers that his ancestors were born on a tropical island into slavery – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Letters from Regency Bath, 1790s-1800s – P48
Best Websites Youth movements – P51
Focus on German ancestors – P54
Focus on Estate Duty registers – P61
Social Story Habitual drunkards – P64
Your Projects The Mills Archive – P70
Local Industries Irish peat cutters – P71
Making History The reality of life in Bedlam – P75
Behind the Headlines 1953: The year of the North Sea flood – P77
Around Britain Norfolk – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your West Country Ancestors and Air Force Lives – P89
30-minute Genealogist Singaporean newspapers – P94
My Family Hero... Was a pioneering trick cyclist – P98

On the record Millions of criminal records go online; Festival to explore Huguenot lives – P10
Off the record Felonious forebears – P14
Feature World family tree – P17
Feature The forgotten PoWs of WW2 – P24
Past in Pictures 75 years of HMS Belfast in pictures – P30
Reader Story Simon Last discovers his mother is adopted and reveals his family story involving Polish persecution in WW2 – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Assisted emigrant’s letter, 1839 – P46
Best Websites Metal Miners – P49
Focus on Passenger Lists – P52
Focus on Criminal Petitions – P59
Feature How to Turn your iPad into a scanner – P62
Social Story Child Migrants – P64
Your Projects A Kent Archaeological Society project – P70
Local Industries Glasgow paper makers – P71
Making History A shocking reaction to news of WW2 – P75
Behind the Headlines 1688: The Glorious Revolution – P77
Around Britain Derbyshire – P81
Reviews Including Roots Magic 6 and Understanding Documents for Genealogy & Local History – P89
30-minute Genealogist Search Australian newspapers – P94
My Family Hero... Was a courageous firefighter – P98

ISSUE 71 March 2013
On the record Manx records online; Richard III discovery– P10
Off the record Asking questions of older relatives– P14
Feature Welsh newspapers – P16
Feature 10 things you didn’t know about newspapers – P19
Feature William Roache – P26
Now Find Your Ancestors in business – P30
Past in Pictures See your Chester ancestors at work – P32
Reader Story Paul Baker finds a family tale of a rich farmer whose descendants fought the system – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Surveyor’s account book, 1780s – P48
Best Websites Hospital archives – P51
Focus on Tracing Irish forebears – P54
Focus on Masters and mates certificates – P61
Social Story History of suicide – P 64
Your Projects Houghton-le-Spring Heritage Society – P 70
Local Industries Northants shoemakers – P71
Making History A revolutionary era in Glasgow – P75
Behind the Headlines 1884: The English earthquake – P77
Around Britain Kent – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your First World War Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist Essex parish registers – P94
My Family Hero... Developed top-secret tanks in WW2 – P98

ISSUE 70 February 2013
On the record Final countdown to WDYTYA? Live begins; Boer War records go online; Maps chart Manchester’s history; Raglanpedia prepares for launch– P10
Off the record Expanding your research and putting your ancestors lives into historical context– P14
Feature Put your photographs in order – P17
Feature Adoption – P24
Feature Common names – P29
Past in Pictures Temperance ancestors – P32
Reader Story Anne Cook began researching her husband’s servant ancestor, and uncovered a royal mystery – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Coventry schoolboy’s letters, 1873 – P48
Best Websites Customs, Excise and Tax – P51
Focus on London archives – P56
Focus on Inquisitions post mortem – P61
Social Story Mechanics institutes – P66
Local Industries Lancashire Glass – P71
Behind the Headlines 1930: The year the UK’s giant silver airship, the R101, crashed – P77
Around Britain Berkshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Aristocratic Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist Newspapers at findmypast.co.uk - P94
My Family Hero... An ancestor who ran away with a travelling showman – P98

ISSUE 69 January 2013
On the record Funding enables All Our Stories to be told; Roll shines light on Irish kin; Hull’s Home Front heroes revealed – P10
Off the record A look into the number of societies soon to celebrate their centenaries – P14
Feature Start your family tree – P17
Feature Get ready for WDYTYA? Live – P20
Feature 50 websites to watch – P22
Feature John Bishop – P30
Past in Pictures Transport workers’ uniforms – P34
Reader Story Jamie Beckford was shocked to uncover an ancestor on the Bounty during the mutiny – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive The Buckinghamshire Posse Comitatus, 1798 – P50
Best Websites English Civil War – P53
Focus on Enclaves and outposts – P56
Focus on Gentleman’s magazines – P63
Social Story Convict children – P 66
Local Industries Sheffield steel – P73
Behind the Headlines 1870: The year education for all became a reality in Britain – P77
Around Britain Highlands and Western Isles – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Ancestors Through Death Records and Voices from the Workhouse – P89
30-minute Genealogist Hertfordshire ancestors – P94
My Family Hero... Dined at the White House – P98

ISSUE 68 Christmas 2012
On the record Court records uncover Warwickshire’s past; Scottish wills hit the web; Project reveals conscription truths – P10
Off the record An examination of holly, and its place in our festive celebrations – P14
Feature Advent guide to the past 12 months – P17
Feature Wartime Farm Christmas – P24
Feature Marriage myths – P27
Past in Pictures Do you recognise anyone in these post-war Swindon photographs? – P36
Reader Story Mike Matthews must decide if his military ancestor was a hero or a lout – P38
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P44
Gem from the Archive An 1890 navy journal tells of a young sailor’s Christmas at sea – P52
Best Websites Almshouses – P55
Focus on Maps – P58
Focus on Special constables – P63
Social Story Christmas diaries – P66
Local Industries London street traders – P73
Behind the Headlines 1842: The retreat from Kabul saw a sole survivor – out of 16,000 – P77
Around Britain Northumberland – P81
Reviews Including The Wills of our Ancestors and Wings: One Hundred Years of British Aerial Warfare – P89
30-minute Genealogist TNA’s wills collection – P94
My Family Hero Brian Humphrey’s ancestor was awarded the Victoria Cross by Queen Victoria herself – P98

ISSUE 67 December 2012
On the record Electoral rolls chart Midlands history; US census transcribed; Museum promotes Dorset past – P10
Off the record How has the web improved research? – P14
Feature Census online – P17
Feature Patrick Stewart – P24
Feature WW2 ancestors – P30
Past in Pictures A Bolton childhood in 1937 – P32
Reader Story Phillippa Lancaster was thrilled to find Jewish and gypsy ancestors in her tree – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive An Oxford coroner’s record, 1875 – P48
Best Websites Reform schools – P51
Focus on The meaning of tattoos – P54
Focus on Cremation records – P61
Social Story History of baking – P64
Your Projects Petworth Emigration Project – P70
Local Industries Herring Girls – P71
Making History Desertion and heroism in WW2 – P 75
Behind the Headlines 1817: The Elgin Marbles displayed in London – P77
Around Britain Wiltshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Merchant Navy Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist Irish civil registration – P94
My Family Hero WW1 soldier leaves behind diaries with tales of courage – P98

ISSUE 66 November 2012
On the record Home Guard records break down walls; Cemetery data goes online; Football database hits the web – P10
Off the record Alan discovers what happened to his grandfather after he disappeared – P14
Feature Parish records – P17
Feature Annie Lennox – P25
Feature Research Blitz sites – P30
Past in Pictures Faces of the First World War – P34
Reader Story William Turner’s research turned up heroes and villains – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive Lincolnshire schoolchildren survey, 1849 – P50
Best Websites WW1 Home Front – P53
Focus on Dating early family photographs – P56
Focus on Prison hulks – P61
Social Story Fever hospitals – P64
Your Projects Ormskirk & District FHS’s canal project – P70
Local Industries North Devon glovemakers – P71
Making History A WW1 soldier’s Russian odyssey – P75
Behind the Headlines 1834: the Houses of Parliament burn – P77
Around Britain Northern Ireland – P81
Reviews Including Marriage and Death Records – P89
30-minute Genealogist Medal Index Cards – P94
My Family Hero... Drowned in a pleasure boat accident after a life in the Navy – P98

ISSUE 65 October 2012
On the record Merchant seamen collection goes online; Archive wins volunteer prize; Map reveals Georgian Winchester – P10
Off the record Exciting stories in the new series of WDYTYA? – P14
Feature 50 Hidden Online Gems – P17
Feature Samantha Womack – P24
Feature Find your orphaned ancestors – P28
Past in Pictures British lives from 1930 to 1970 – P30
Reader Story Ex-policeman Robert Bartlett investigates his family tree to find a real adventurer – P32
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P38
Gem from the Archive Newspaper photos, 1914-1918 – P48
Best Websites Dating photos using fashions – P51
How to Get started with Family Historian 5 – P54
Focus on Victorian wars – P56
Focus on Child migration – P63
Social Story Childbirth – P66
Your Projects Lancashire roll transcriptions – P72
Local Industries Welsh flannel makers – P73
Making History England’s first female motor racer – P76
Behind the Headlines 1934: Gresford mining disaster – P77
Around Britain Warwickshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Servant Ancestors and The Fishing Fleet – P89
30-minute Genealogist RAF records – P94
My Family Hero... Was a celebrated war hero in France – P98

On the record New features added to genealogy website; Pilot records now searchable – P10
Off the record The Preston Guild – P14
Feature New series preview – P16
Feature Find Scottish poor ancestors – P22
Feature Find living relatives – P27
Past in Pictures Life on country house estates – P32
Reader Story Jackie Phillips’ research into her Jewish forebears unlocked new family connections – P34
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Gem from the Archive Glasgow poor law application, 1903 – P48
Best Websites Mills and mill workers – P51
How to Date beach photos – P54
How to Get more from Rootsweb – P58
Focus on Army lists – P61
Social Story US pioneer trail – P64
Your Projects Local History Society of Heanor – P70
Local Industries Paisley shawlmakers – P71
Making History The Klondike gold rush – P75
Behind the Headlines 1847: the Ten Hour Act – P77
Around Britain Cheshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Prisoner of War Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist Lancashire parish records – P94
My Family Hero... Was shipwrecked on a Canadian island – P98

On the record New website offers discount census access; Worcester archive launches – P10
Off the record The British Olympic Spirit – P14
Feature Ancestors at work – P16
Feature Family Matters – P24
Feature Get more from TNA – P27
Past in pictures Rural pastimes in the frame – P32
Reader story Rosemary Cook reveals her research into the senseless murder of a nurse – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P40
Reader Story Henry and Jean Pelham uncovered the tragic tale of a policing ancestor killed on duty – P42
Gem from the Archive A farm accounts book from 1881 – P48
Best Websites Athletic ancestors – P51
Focus on Land tax records – P54
Focus on Jury lists – P61
Social Story Sporting fashion – P64
Your Projects Borders Family History Society – P70
Local Industries Lancashire clog makers – P71
Making History An evacuee who never returned – P75
Behind the Headlines 1863: birth of the Underground – P77
Around Britain Worcestershire P81
Reviews Including The Genealogist’ s Internet – P89
30-minute Genealogist Parish registers at the SOG – P94
My Family Hero Sheila Clarke’s ancestor was Charles Dickens’s (totally useless) business manager – P98

ISSUE 62 JULY 2012
On the record Major online Dorset collection grows; Royal staff data goes online; Site records wartime memories – P10
Off the record Discussing the social stigma of finding illegitimacy in the family – P14
Feature Court records – P16
Feature Royal Household Archives – P25
Feature My House, My Street – P30
Past in Pictures Faces of the Second World War – P34
Reader Story Lois Hopkins uncovers a dark secret concerning two brothers in her family of Yorkshire nailmakers – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive School punishment book – P48
Best Websites Huguenots – P51
Focus on Servant ancestors – P54
Focus on Catholic registers – P61
Social Story Gardeners of the past – P64
Your Projects The Genealogical Society of Victoria and its award-winning magazine – P70
Local Industries Bedfordshire Brickmakers – P73
Making History Second World War Arctic convoy – P76
Around Britain Glasgow – P81
Behind the Headlines 1922: Opening Tutankhamun’s tomb P77
Reviews Including Tracing Your British Indian Ancestors – P89
30-minute Genealogist London Records – P94
My Family Hero Stephen Lewis’s forebear captured Napoleon’s favourite general – P98

ISSUE 61 JUNE 2012
On the record Millions of voting records go online; Parish data collections grow; archives celebrate Jubilee – P10
Off the record Examining royal occasions – P14
Feature Find lost birth records – P16
Feature Publish your family history research – P27
Past in Pictures Diamond Jubilee special – P32
Reader Story Chris Payne investigates a prodigious detective in the family, and uncovers a dark secret – P36
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P42
Gem from the Archive Frontline War Diary from WW1 – P48
Best Websites Asylums – P51
Focus on Welsh Ancestors – P54
How to TNA Discovery – P60
Focus on Naturalisation – P63
Social Story WW1 Nurses – P66
Your Projects The restoration of Stockport’s Plaza Cinema to its former glory – P72
Local Industries Leyland Cars – P73
Making History The unsung heroes of WW2 – P76
Behind the Headlines 1897: The year of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations – P77
Around Britain Buckinghamshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Ancestors from 1066 to 1837 and A Tommy’s Sketchbook – P89
30-minute Genealogist FIBIS – P94
My Family Hero... Was a pioneering missionary in Africa – P98

ISSUE 60 May 2012
On the record New Kent history centre set for launch; Westminster data digitised; M&S archive opens – P10
Off the record Living with extended family – P14
Feature Find your London-based ancestors – P16
Feature Who Do You Think You Are? Live report – P26
Feature Learn of your police ancestors – P30
Past in Pictures Liverpool throughout the generations – P36
Reader story Lisa Thackwell discovers a rags-to-riches story, a Waterloo war hero, and more in her husband’s family – P38
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P44
Gem from the Archive Soldier’s effects records, 1901-1913 – P50
Best Websites Chartist families – P53
Focus on Scottish Old Parish Registers – P56
Focus on Merchant Navy – P63
Social Story Did your ancestor go to prison for debt? – P66
Your Projects Grangetown LHS’s online resources – P72
Local Industries Fleet Street journalists – P73
Making History Protestant pioneers in the New World – P76
Behind the Headlines 1816: The year without a summer – P77
Around Britain Lincolnshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Service Women Ancestors and Blitz Kids: The Children’s War Against Hitler – P89
30-minute Genealogist Ellis Island website – P94
My Family Hero... Saved hundreds of evacuees in the Fall of Singapore – P98

ISSUE 59 April 2012
On the record The world’s largest transcription project; Welsh collection goes online; Website records rural memories – P10
Off the record Travelling into the past – P14
Feature 50 tips to get the most from FamilySearch – P16
Interview Meet the Registrar General – P24
Feature Research on the go – P31
Past in Pictures Life growing up in Birmingham – P36
Reader Story David Fredericks discovers how his great grandfather made it on and safely off the Titanic – P38
Q&A Tips and advice from our experts – P44
Gem from the Archive Kindertransport index card, 1939 – P50
Best Websites Wills and probate – P53
Focus on US Census – P56
Focus on RAF combat reports – P63
Social Story Barnardo’s Children – P66
Your Projects Worcestershire men that fell in WW1 – P72
Local Industries Shipbuilders of Belfast – P73
Making History A man on both sides of the Civil War – P76
Behind the Headlines 1948: The birth of the NHS – P77
Around Britain Hertfordshire – P81
Reviews Including Tracing Your Huguenot Ancestors and Titanic Voices – P89
30-minute Genealogist Locate the graves of servicemen – P94
My Family Hero... Experienced the horrors of the Peninsular War – P98

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